Professional Practice and Management Terms Flashcards
The foundation for professional services to a client; a legal document that sets forth the obligations of each party, and specified the duties and responsibilities of the singing entities
A type of contract that includes voluntary agreement consideration, lawfulness, legally competent parties, and enforceable form
Enforceable contract
An agreement between the Landscape Architect and the Client wherein the Landscape Architect offers the professional services and the other party accepts
Voluntary agreement
A form ensuring the contract to remain in force in the event of violations, including severability/survival clause (partner takeover), limit of liability clause terms covering dispute and reslution
Enforceable form
An example of which is a contract with a public sector client for an approved project but without funding
Unforceable contract
When any of the foregoing elements is missing, wherein both parties have legal rights to terminate contract
Void contract
A method of settling a contract dispute by agreeing in advance in the contract to accept decision of an impartial person based on evidence and argument presented by both parties
Settling a contract agreement or dispute by facilitated negotiation
Process of settling a contract dispute thru legal proceedings in court
One party reneges on performing terms of contract where injured part may seek relief and damages from breaching party
Breach of contract
Two distinct parts of the project manual
Bidding requirements and contract documents
Issued as part of a bidding process by the surety to the project owner, to in hopes guarantee that the winning bidder will undertake the contract under the terms at which they bid
Bid bond
A bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled; a surety company assumes liability for nonperformance
Performance bond
A condition considered as “fine prints,” which describe the relationships and procedures connected with the project; usually standardized for all professional/professions, and does not change with project variety
General conditions
A condition designed to deal with relationship peculiar to the project after owner, including conditions that are specified to each individual project and reflect aspects of the general condition that require modification
Supplementary conditions
A procedure that involves the use of planning and scheduling techniques, monitoring procedures and record keeping, contract administration, project observation, effective communication, problem identification, leadership skills, and a host of other business practices necessary to coordinating and implementing a project efficiently and successfully from inception to completion
Project management
A list of items to be corrected before the work can be accepted; serves as an advance warning to the contractor of those things considered unacceptable prior to the date of final acceptance inspection
Punch list
A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharge