Environmental Laws Flashcards
RA 9175
Chain Saw Act of 2002
RA 9168
Philippine Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002
RA 9154
Mt. Kanla-on Natural Park (MKNP) Act of 2001
RA 9147
Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act
RA 9072
National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act
RA 9003
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
RA 8749
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
RA 8550
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998
RA 8485
Animal Welfare Act of 1998
RA 8435
Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997
RA 8371
The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997
RA 8172
An Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide
RA 8048
Coconut Preservation Act of 1995
RA 8041
The Water Crisis Act of 1995
RA 7942
Philippine Mining Act of 1995
RA 7907
Amendment to the Agrarian Reform Code
RA 7900
High-Value Crops Development Act of 1995
RA 7611
Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan Act
RA 7586
National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992
RA 7308
Seed Industry Development Act of 1992
RA 7161
Tax Laws Incorporated in the Revised Forestry Code
RA 7076
People’s Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991
RA 6969
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990
RA 4850
An Act Creating the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA)
RA 4850
EO 927
Further Defining Certain Functions and Powers of the Laguna Lake Development Authority
RA 4850
Resolution No. 33 Series of 1996
Approving the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Environmental User Fee System in the Laguna de Bay Region
RA 4190
Lanao del Sur National Parks
RA 3931
National Water & Air Pollution Control Commission Act
RA 3571
Prohibition Against Cutting of Trees in Public Roads, Plazas, etc.
BP 701
An Act Amending Section Thirty-Six of PD No. 705, Otherwise Known as “The Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines”
BP 58
An Act Amending RA No. 5474, As Amended by RA 6145 (Re: Prohibiting the Catching, Selling, Offering to Sell, Purchasing any of the Fish Species Called Gobiidae” or “Ipon”)
PD 2001
Withdrawal of Lead in Gasoline
PD 1899
Small-Scale Mining Law
PD 1775
Amended to the Revised Forestry Code
PD 1586
Environmental Impact Statement System
PD 1433
Plant Quarantine Law of 1978
PD 1219
The Coral Resources Development & Conservation Decree
PD 1152
Philippine Environment Code
PD 1151
Philippine Environmental Policy
PD 1067
The Water Code of the Philippines
PD 984
National Pollution Control Commission
PD 979
Marine Pollution Decree of 1976
PD 856
Code of Sanitation of the Philippines
PD 825
Penalty for Improper Garbage Disposal
PD 813
Amending Certain Sections of (RA No. 4850), Otherwise Known as the “Laguna Development Authority Act of 1966”
PD 705
Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines
PD 704
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1975
PD 601
Revised Coast Guard Law
PD 274
Pertaining to the Preservation, Beautification, Improvement and Gainful Utilization of the Pasig River, Providing for the Regulation and Control of Pollution of the River and Its Banks in Order to Enhance Its Development, Thereby Maximizing Its Utilization for Socio-Economic Purposes
PD 275
EO 54
Creating the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission
Act 4062
An Act to Reserve to the Philippine Legislature the Disposition of the Waters of the Public Domain for the Utilization and Development of Hydraulic Power
Act 4003
The Fisheries Act
Act 3983
An Act to Protect Wild Flowers and Plants in the Philippine Islands and to Prescribe Conditions Under Which They May be Collected, Kept, Sold, Exported, and for Other Purposes
Act 3572
Prohibition Against Cutting of Tindalo, Akli and Molave Trees
EO 247
Guidelines on Biological & Genetic Resources
EO 542
Task Force Pawikan
Proc. 2146
Environmental Impact Statement System - Areas/Types of Projects
Proc. 926
Subic Watershed Forest Reserve Law
Proc. 740
Series of 1934
Quezon National Park to Atimonan Forest Reserve
Proc. 594
Amending Proclamation No. 740, Series of 1934, Establishing the Quezon National Park Situated in the Municipality of Atimonan, Pagbilao and Padre Burgos, Province of Tayabas, Islands of Luzon
Proc. 2
Series of 1913
Quezon National Park
Admin. Order 03
Preferential Treatment of Small Fisherfolks
Circ. 08
Regulations for the Conservation of Marine Turtles
Act 1148
An Act to Regulate the Use of Public Forests and Forest Reserves in the Philippine Islands
Act 315
An Act Providing for the Establishment of National Parks, Declaring Such Parks as Game Refuge, and For Other Purposes
RA 10593
The Water Crisis Act of 1995