professional orientation Flashcards
In 2010 the task force “20/20: A Vision for the Future of Counseling”, stated the following definition of counseling:
a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals.
what does the ACA state counseling is:
The application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic interventions, strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology.
what did Wilhelm Wundt accomplish in 1879?
he established the first psychological laboratory
in 1890 who used psychoanalysis to treat mental illness?
Sigmund Freud
what significance does Jesse Davis hold?
1898- is considered the first school counselor in the United States and was the first to implement systematic guidance programs in schools
What is A Mind That Found Itself?
written in 1908 by Clifford Beers, it exposed conditions in mental health institutions
what did Frank Parsons do in 1908?
directed the Vocation Bureau in Boston
what year was Parson’s book “Choosing a Vocation” published?
1909; it established the trait-factor guidance approach (because people have different traits they are suited for different jobs)
When was the National Vocational Guidance Association founded?
What is the Smith-Hughes Act?
established in 1917, grants federal funds for vocational education and guidance
What was published in 1927?
Strong-Vocational Interest Blank (a test designed to measure or inventory an individual’s vocational interests)
What did E.G. Williamsons publish in 1939?
How To Counsel Students:
which modified Parson‘s trait-factor approach
When and who published Counseling and Psychology?
1942, Carl Rogers
When and who published Counseling and Psychology?
1942, Carl Rogers
When was the American Personnel and Guidance Association was founded?