Professional Conduct Flashcards
Explain the concept of conflict of interests
- can’t work for a client with interests that conflict with you or another client
What are the exceptions for conflict of interests
What do you need to if you rely on and exception and what does cases does the exceptions not apply to
When can you accept third party instructions
What is an undertaking and what are the consequences
What are the principles that solicitors should abide by?
What is money laundering?
Gives some examples of money lundering warning signs
What offences apply to solicitors
Direct involvement and non direct involvement
What should you do if an established client who has undertaken CDD, accidentally sent you more money and requests the money to be sent back
Make an internal application to MLO and do not return the money
What is CDD, when do you do it and how?
- customer due diligence to identify and verify the client identity, by getting their name, address and verify through su[porting photo ID.
You do this when ..
What types of CCD are there and when do you do it?
When does FSMA apply and authorisation is needed?