Production Segments Flashcards
What are the two objectives for the commercial poultry industry in the United States?
Meat and Egg production
What type of eggs does the commercial egg industry produce?
Which breed of chicken is typically used in the commercial egg industry?
Which type of operation in the commercial egg industry produces fertile hatching eggs?
egg breeder
The commercial egg operations in the United States produce ____ shelled eggs.
What are the breeder males and females called on a breeder operation farm?
Parent Birds
What is produced from the hatching eggs on an egg pullet and egg breeder operation farm?
cockerels and pullets
Which of the following is NOT needed in the egg pullet and egg ;aing operation?
Production level pullets are sent to _____ from growing pullets to replace older flocks of hens.
egg pullet operation
On leghorn-strain pullet farms, birds are raised from hatchlings to approximately, ___to___ weeks of age.
How does the egg company determine how much to pay the egg pullet growers?
number of birds produced
Where are the leghorn-strain pullets moved to once the have reached maturity>
egg laying operations
what percent of all table eggs are commercially produced b caged hens in large houses?
The production goals from a typical egg laying operations is to produce an average of one dozen table eggs for every ___to___ pounds of feed.
The production goals for a typical egg laying operations is to gather ___to___ eggs per hen housed during a 52-80 week period.
What is used to determine how the egg company pays the egg laying operation farmers?
number of infertile eggs produced
Which of the following is NOT done at an egg processing facility?
incubate eggs
Hard-cooked eggs, frozen scrambled eggs, dried/liquid whole eggs, dried/liquid white eggs are all examples of _____ eggs.
further processed
Throughout much of the United States, the commercial broiler meat industry uses a white-feathered bird that is a cross between ____ and ____ chickens.
cornish & white Plymouth rock
What is the first level of production in the broiler industry?
broiler breeder
On broiler breeder pullet and cockeral farms, birds are raised from hatchlings to approximately _____ weeks of age.
Broiler breeder pullet and cockeral growers are usually paid on _____.
number of birds produced
What type of floors are used on the broiler breeder operation farms?
raised and slatted
Where do the birds on the broiler breeder farms lay their eggs ?
nesting box
why are broiler breeder operations more laber intensive than broiler grow-out operations?
frequent egg gathering
How are growers paid on broiler breeder operations?
number of fertile eggs produced
An efficiency standard towards which broiler breeders strive is one dozen settable eggs on ____ or fewer pounds of feed.
An efficiency standard towards which broiler breeders strive is ______ hatchablility.
Where are male and female broilers taken after hatching from the broiler breeder eggs?
broiler grow-out farm
_____ are young chickens of either sex grown as fryers or roasters to produce tender meat.
What is a typical size for a broiler confinement house?
40’ x 200’
How many flock are typically raised each year on a broiler grow-out farms?
WHat percent of broiler production occurs under a contract system?
What is used to determine how broiler grow-out farmers arectypcially paid?
number of pounds of birds produced
A broiler should reach ____to____ pounds of lie weight in 6-7 weeks.
How many pounds of feed should a broiler need to produced one pound of lie weight gain?
less than 2
A broiler dresses into a ___to___ pound ready to cook carcasses.
Ready to cook nuggets, tenders, and patties; hams, frankfurters, and bologna are all examples of _____.
value added products
What is the preferred meat for domestic customers?
White meat
Which type of meat is typically exported to other countries>
dark meat
Throughout much of the United States, the commercial turkey industry raises and uses _____ birds.
broad breasted white
What is the first level of production for the turkey meat industry?
turkey breeder operations
On turkey breeder poult farms, birds are raised sex-separatelyy from hatchlings to approximately ___to___ weeks of age.
What is the one difference from broiler breeder farms to turkey breeder farms?
toms housed separately from hens
Why are hens artificially inseminated on turkey breeder farms?
Large breast area makes natural mating inefficient
Turkey breeders require more labor than do broiler breeders, but payments are ______.
After the hatching of fertile turkey breeder eggs at a company owned hatchery, male and female turkeys are taken to ______.
separate grow out facilities
A typical turkey operation has a grow out capacity of ___to___ birds.
What percent of turkey production occurs under a contract system?
What is used to determine how turkey grow out farmers are paid?
number of birds produced
Turkey grow out growers produce young turkeys that require approximately ___ pounds of feed per one pound of body weight.
A turkey hen marketed at 16 weeks of age usually weighs ___ pounds.
A turkey tom marketed at 21 weeks of age usually weights ____ pounds.
Most turkeys are marketed as _____.
Whole carcasses