Anatomy Flashcards
What muscle flecess the knee and rotates the leg outward?
Why are most of the economically important chickens in the nation white feathered?
their carcusses look cleaner after processing
The northern bobwhite Quail are in the ___ family.
How long will the egg stay in the isthmus?
1.25 hours
The hormone ____, regulates the rate of metabolism and is involved with pigmentation, structure, and feather molting.
Sperm survive in the avian female’s body for ____ but for a ____ in the mammalian female body.
1 week; 1 hour
Animals in the class ____ are feathered, bied, warm-blooded vertebrates with a four-chambered heart.
The hormone _____ is responsible for growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in the ovary and is under the influence of a gradual increase/decrease in duration of the diurnal photoperiod.
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
What is the genus an species name for the domestic chicken?
Gallus gallus
Gizzards of birds fed ____ feed are less developed than are gizzards of birds fed _____ feed.
ground; whole
What are the bines called that make up the top of the beck of a chicken?
Male poultry lack an expernal ____.
What is the pulse rate for poultry?
300 beats per minute
What makes the fowl’s air sacs ver susceptible to respiratory infections?
lack of blood vessels preventing gas exchange
pectoral muscles accound for ___to___ of the bird’s total weight.
How long does the egg stay in the uterus?
20-21 hours
Feathers originate from distinct feather tracts called ____.
The cloaca is a cavity for entrance for all of the following EXCEPT:
The ____ and ____ serve as secondary sex characteristics, regulate the bird’s body temperature, and are closely related to gonadal activity of the bird..
combs and wattlees
The ___ is a narrow strip of tissue ling in the duodenal loop ad secretes digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin.
What are the extra long tail feathers called?
Which bone makes up the thigh for the chicken?
What is the genus and species name for the wild and domestic turkey?
meleagris gallipavo
_____ muscle activity causes _____ level of moglobin and thus the reason for the white meat in chickens and turkeys.
less; lower
The skeletal Sstem of birds is built for ____.
Chickens and turkeys have pointed beaks because they are _____ eaters.
When the egg is located in the _____, the yolk is engulfed and fertilization is taking place here.
Air sacs are used in the _____ for certain species of birds like the turkey and prairie chicken.
courting ceremony
what is the genus and species name for the Indian or blue peaflowl?
pava cristatus
Which muscle draws the humerus inward?
Carotenoids such as ____ cause the variouis skin colors found on fowl.
The ____ is the gland at the base of the brain, which when stimulated b neural stimuli, secretes releasing factors that regulate the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.
The ____ secretes a hormone that regulates calcium levels of the blood and is very important in the shell formation.
What are the bones called that makes up the wishbone on a chicken?
The ____ is a paired segment that marks the junction of the small and large intestines and helps with the breakdown of the more resistant cell wall materials in the presence of anaerobic bacteria.
molting rate and molting pattern of the large wing feathers are estimates of the _____.
length of time a laying hen has been out of egg production
which muscle elevates and depresses the tail?
What is the genus and species name for the ring necked pheasant?
phasianus colchicus
surgical removal of the comb is called ____?
The papilla is more developed in _____ and _____ than in _____ and _____.
ducks & geece; chickens & turkeys
which muscle depresses the wing?
pectoralis major
the ovarian follicles are also known as _____.
Which muscle rotates the humerus?
teres major
the duck, goose, and swan are all in the _____ family.
The various species of poultry belong to the animal kingdom and to the class _____.
which muscle flexes the toes?
flexor perforans
The hormone ____ regulates activity of the throid gland.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a common shank colors found on poultry?
What is the genus and species name for the common Quail?
coturnix coturnix
What is the hind claw on a chicken’s foot called?
The muscular stomach or gizzard is also called the ____ and serves as the birds teeth.
release of the ovum is called ____.
Spermatogenuis occurs at higher temperature for the fowl than for mammals because _____.
testes located in the body cavity
What is the genus and species name for the domestic pigeon?
Columbia livia
What are the bones called that make up the foot of a chicken?
what are the bones called that makes up the back of a chicken?
cervical vertebrae
The ____ secretes the hormone, estrogen, which stimulates development of the secondary sex characteristics and the hormone progesterone which prepares the egg formation.
pigeons and doves are in the ___ order .
The ___ secretes thyroxin, which regulates rate of metabolism and is involved in pigmentation, structure, and molting of feathers.
Along with the parts normally found in mammals, birds posseses ____to____ air sacs in the body cavity
In the fowl, the senses of ___ and ___ are highly developed and the senses of ___ and ___ are poorly developed
hearing & sight; taste& smell
The guinea fowl are in the ___ family.
Why do hens usually go out of egg production when they molt?
growing new feathers is a severe physiological drain
The skeletal system of birds is rigid because of aa marked tendenc for bones to fuse in certain areas such as ___ and ___.
vertebral column and pectoral/pelvic girdles
What are the bones called that makes up the bottom of the beack of a chicken?
What is the body temperature for poultry?
The male’s small ____ becomes erect and deposits semen on the everted vagina of the female during mating.
Which muscle flexes the knee joint and extends the thigh?
Which muscle extends the toes downward?
The fowl’s skin is comparatively thin and consist of an inner layer of skin called the _____.
THe hormone ____ stimulates ovipostion which is laying eggs.
The ___ is a tube that consists of cartilaginous rings that connect the upper and lower larynxes.
The hormone ___ prepares the ovary and oviduct for egg formation.
The fowl’s circulatory Sstem differs slightly from mammals in that avian red blood cells are ____.
Chickens, turkeys, pheasants, peafowl, and common quail are all in the ____ family.
The glandular stomach is also called the ___ and contains cells the secrete gastric juices.
Breast muscles in chickens and turkeys are very light in color because of the low level of ____ pigment.
Which two bones make up the wing portion on a chicken?
radius and ulna
The ___ secretes insulin, which regulates sugar metabolism.
The ___ light controls cannibalism and the ___ light calms the birds for handling.
Red; blue
during molting, primary wing feathers begin shedding from the inside out starting near the ___ feather, out towards the wing tips.
The hormone ____ stimulates teh female to become broody which is the maternal tendency of birds to nest and hatch eggs.
What is the genus and species name for the mourning dove?
streptopella decipiens
which poultry skin color is preferred in the United States?
The white material seen on bird droppings is called ___ and is made up of nitrogen waste product.
uric acid
Most economically important species of chickens and turkeys in the nation are predominantly ____ feathered.
The chicken, guinea fowl, turkey, and pheasant all belong to the order _____.
the ratio of body length t digestive tract length is 1 to ___ from chickens and 1 to ___ for sheep.
The crop, also called the ____, stores and moistens food.
Which phylum are poultry in?
when the egg is located in the ____, the passage of the egg happens here.
the hormones ___ regulates sugar metabolism.
what are the feathers called that are located at the tips of the wings?
the chicken’s oviduct is nearly ___ in length.
78cm (30inches)
what are the long feathers called that surround the chickens neck?
that rate of food passage for non-layers is _____.
8-12 hours
Animals in the order ____ are large-bodied birds of terrestrial habits, have caparativly short wings that are poorly adapted for long flight, posseses short beaks, and have legs and toes adapted for running and scratching.
what is the genus and species name for the domestic goose?
anser anser
which of the following is NOT a way that the avian lungs differ from mammalian lungs?
serves as gaseous exchange
The fowl’s urinary Sstem lacks a ____.
The hormones ___ stimulates the develpment of the hen’s secondary sex characteristics.
The hormone ___ stimulates the male secondary sex characteristics , comb growth, and spermatogensis.
The hen’s reproductive system is divided into two sections, the ____ and the ____.
ovary and oviduct
chickens and turkeys are more sensitive to the ___ portion of light spectrum that the ___ portion.
red; blue
which muscle flexes the abdomen?
what serves the purpose for forcing food to was the gulet on a bird?
pointed tongue and horn papillae
featehr appearance differs between sexes in the ___,___,___, and ___.
neck, back, saddle, and tail section
the underdeveloped olk in the hen’s ovary is called the ____.
How long is the egg located in the magnum?
3 hours
during a hn’s life she will lay many eggs that are produced by her own functioning ovary which is the ___ one.
the lower layrnx or the ____ is the voice box for the bird and is located where the trachea divides into two primary bronchi.
which muscle extends tarsometatarsus (foot) outward?
a unique feature of the avian muscle system is the extensive development of pectoral muscles in the ___ and ___ regions
wing and breast
what is the genus and species name for the common whooper swan?
cygnus cygnus
A process called __ can be used on day old chicks and poults which is examining their everted rudimentary sex organs and is very difficult to do.
vent sexing
which bone attaches teh wing to teh chicken ?
the internal penis is called the ____.
The ___ secretes teh hormone, testosterone, which stimulates development of secondary sex characteristics in males, comb growth, and spermatogenesis.
what are ethe bones called that make up the drumstick of a bird?
tibula and femur
what is the genus and species name for the northern bobwhite Quail?
conlinus virginanus
which muscle flexes and extends the hip?
Another name for the passage of an egg is ___.
how long is an egg in the infundibulum?
15 minutes
which muscle supports teh abdomen?
what color are the dark feather follicles?
brown and black
surgical removal of the wattle is called ___.
which muscle moves the feathers ?
what the egg is located in the ___, teh formation of the two shell membranes is happening.
what is the genus and species name for the mallard duck?
anas platyrhynchos
It is ___ in weight because of the many of the long bones are hallow and are penetrated by extensions of air sacs.
a nonvascular stigma also known as the ___ is on each mature follicular of an ovary and will rupture to prevent blood spots in the egg.
suture line
The ___ is a bi-lobed gland located at the base of the brain that is called the “master gland” because it releases hormones that regulate activities of other endocrine glands/
which muscle moves teh scapula and draws the head left and right?
which muscle elevates the wing?
pectoralis minor
what are the feathers called that cover teh chicken’s back?
what is the rate of food passage for laying hen? `
2.5 hours
___ or teh shedding of feathers is not compatible with egg production/
the sternum or breastbone is highly developed to provide attachment for the ____.
pectoral muscles
what is the ratio of breast meat to totals body weight in chickens important?
American consumers prefer breast meat
deformed breastbones are teh results of all of the following EXCEOT for:
what is the genus and species name for the helmeted guiene fowl?
numida meleagris
when the egg is located in the ____, teh thick white is secreted
the earlobes are usually either ___ or ___ patches of skin on both sides of the birds head.
red or white
teh pigeon and teh dove are in the __ family.
teh fowl’s skin is comparativly thin and consists of an outer layer of skin called ____.
what is the respiration rate for poultry?
14-22 exchanges per minute
when the egg is located in the ___, teh formation of the thin white which consists mainly of water and the addition of salt, hard shell, and shell pigment happens here.
pectoral muscles in a human account for ____ for a human’s total body weight.
less than 1%
the hormones ___ causes release of the ovum from the follicle and its secretion is influenced by the dark-light cycle of the diurnal sequence
luteinizing hormone (LH)
the ____ secretes hormones that regulate utilization of minerals.
what are the bones called that make up the hock joint on a chicken?
____ grains remine in the crop longer than ____ grains do.
whole; ground
what are the bones called that make up the keel one on a chicken?
another name for the thick and thin white of an egg is ____.
which of the following DO birds have that mammel have?
Ducks and geese belong to the order ____.
which muscle maintains bird posture?