Production Flashcards
Batch production definition
Batch production occurs when many similar items are produced together. Each batch goes through one stage of the production process before moving into the next stage.
Examples of batch production (4)
Clothing, machine tools, jigs/moulds, newspapers
Advantages of batch production (3)
Making in batches reduces unit costs
Can still address specific customer needs
Use of specialist machinery and skills can increase output and productivity
Disadvantages of batch production (3)
Time lost switching between batches - machinery may need to be reset
Need to keep stocks of raw materials.
Labour is required to move products from one stage to another
One off production definition
Job production involves firms producing items that meet the specific requirements of the customer. Often these are one off, unique items such as those made by an architect or wedding dress makers
Advantages of One off production (2)
High quality product
Meets individual customer needs
Examples of one off production (5)
Hairdressers, tailors architects, plumbing, heating
Disadvantages of one off production (3)
High skilled labour
Intensive labour
Flow/mass production definition
Flow production is a method of production where products move continuously along a production line. The flow production process is suited to high volume, standardised products such as cars, the manufacture of which can be broken down into stages.
Flow/mass production Examples (3)
Cars, furniture, phones
Flow/mass production Advantages (3)
Low costs because products go through assembly line
Use of machinery means that it can run over night and at weekends
Economies of scale
Flow/mass production disadvantages (3)
Difficult to alter the production process
Linear work - boring
High initial start up costs
Quality control
a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification
Quality Assurance
the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.
Total quality management (TQM)
a system of management based on the principle that every member of staff must be committed to maintaining high standards of work in every aspect of a company’s operations.
Quality control example
Ensures that a high quality product is being made which satisfies customer needs
Quality assurance examples
Helps prevent mistakes and defects most commonly dimensions, finishes and materials
TQM examples
Each part of the product is done to a high standard because ever is looking for defects
JIT - Just in time
Where goods are transported just in time for manufacturing