Processing Speed Flashcards
Which of the disorders below is a possible cause of slow processing speed?
visual disorders
True or false? The side effects of some medicines can slow down processing speed
The neuroanatomy of the processing speed deficits suggests that there is:
Less white matter
Less gray matter
What is the term called that gets rid of unused neurons and, as a result, improves processing speed?
Synaptic pruning
True or false? Gray matter volume increases in a linear fashion across development.
True or false? Genes have been found which influence both the white matter and grey matter volumes in the brain.
Age alone has been found to account for approximately what percentage of variability in processing speed within samples of children and adolescents?
Slow processing speed can affect reading in the following ways:
Slows reading speed which interferes with reading comprehension
Schneider and McGrew refer to their overall concept of the speed ability as:
general speediness
Schneider and McGrew identified four broad processing speed abilities. Which one of the choices below is not one of those broad abilities?
Perceptual Speed
The neuroanatomical bases for psychomotor speed include all the following brain structures, except for one, which one?
Decision speed (Gt) is most commonly measured by:
CPT (continuous performance task)
In the Miller and Maricle (2019) model of processing speed, they identified four second order classifications of processing speed. Which one below is not one of those second order classifications?
decision speed
In the Miller and Maricle (2019) model of processing speed, which one below is not an example of a performance fluency narrow ability?
Retrieval fluency
In the Miller and Maricle (2019) model of processing speed, the NEPSY-II Visuomotor Precision test would be classified under which third order classification?
Psychomotor fluency
In the Miller and Maricle (2019) model of processing speed, a verbal fluency type of test would be classified under which third order classification?
Retrieval fluency
In the Miller and Maricle (2019) model of processing speed, the WISC-V Cancellation, Coding, and Symbol Search tests would be classified under which third order classification?
Perceptual fluency
According to Miller and Maricle, this important aspect of processing speed is not addressed in CHC theory.
Fluency as a function of accuracy
In the F-CHC classification of processing speed, there are two narrow abilities called?
perceptual speed and thinking speed
Which book did Dr. Miller recommend as the best sources for processing speed interventions?
Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up