Processing & Learning Flashcards
Symptoms of VISUAL inefficiency?
Symptoms of visual INFORMATIONAL PROCESSING deficiency?
direct visual inefficiency sx: loss of place, diplopia, words run together, H/A, blurry VA, AVOID reading
info processing: problems w/ memory, spelling, math, comprehension, sloppy handwriting, reversals
On a standardized test, a Z-score of ZERO indicates what? What it the score were positive? Negative?
A score below WHAT indicates that the child is performing at a “significantly” low level?
0 ==> child performing same as the mean
+ ==> child ABOVE the mean; - ==> child below
50% - typical mean
BELOW 16% = SIGNIFICANTLY LOW (16-50% = suspicious)
Three categories of visual information processing?
1) visual SPATIAL
2) visual ANALYSIS
3) visual ATTENTION (integration w/ other SENSES)
Three skills sought when assessing visual SPATIAL skills? Tests for each? Scoring?
- Bilateral integration - angels, chalkboard circles
- Laterality (R/L self) - piaget - child STARTS to understand R/L ~8Y/O - ASYMMETRIC handedness also develops around 7-8 (I’m right handed with left-hand support)
- Directionality (R/L space) - piaget, reversal frequency
MOST complex type of movement possible in “Standing angels in the snow”? What “skill” are you assessing?
CONTRALATERAL movements - ie right arm/left leg. Assessing visual SPATIAL function/bilateral integration & balance
Which test assesses visual spatial skills, specifically DIRECTIONAL skills, and requires the 5-15 y/o child to write numbers as they are spoken to him, followed by letters on the next column of lines?
Gardner reversal frequency test - tests directionality (along with piaget, Jordan’s R/L
-can’t have more than 16 reversals/unknowns or it’s not gradable
Which test of visual ANALYSIS requires the child to pick out the object/shape that’s NOT like all the others?
visual SPATIAL relationships - - - | -
Which test of visual ANALYSIS requires the child to pick out the object/shape in the midst of ambient background noise?
-sx: difficulty COMPLETING work, slow pace, confusion w/ what’s relevant
Which test of visual ANALYSIS requires the child to complete the visual image from all of its parts? Sx?
visual CLOSURE
-ignores details, incomplete work, poor comprehension
What’s the MOST COMPLEX visual analysis skill?
MEMORY - see it, remember it, recall it when shown it again (among options)
EASIEST shape to draw (fine motor)? - WHEN?
HARDEST shape to draw (fine motor)? - WHEN?
EASY - vertical line - 3Y/O (2-10)
HARD - diamond - 8Y/O
-vert line, circle, cross, square, triangle, diamond
The Birch-Belmont test is indicated in the case of a suspected ____-visual integration issue may be present
AUDITORY - tap tap tap. Must pick matching pattern.
Sx of auditory-visual: poor spelling, reading phonetically, relating symbols to sounds, following oral directions
Simon says could be used to treat which two visual SPATIAL problems?
laterality, directionality (as well as others)
laterality - piaget
directionality - piaget, gardner reversal frequency, KISHNER arrows
Parquetry blocks, dot to dot pictures, and groffman computer programs can be used to treat WHICH visual ANALYSIS skill?
visual CLOSURE
Hidden pictures, word finds, jumbled pictures (and groffman and parquetry blocks) can be used to treat which visual analysis skill?
figure ground - pick it out among complex background
concentration game, pegboard, tachistoscope, flash cards, parquetry blocks, and groffman can all be used to treat which visual analysis skill?
MEMORY - the most complex visual analysis skill
Three tests to assess visual motor INTEGRATION?
Beery (VMI - trace stupid shapes)
Wold sentence copy
Test of visual motor skills
Name three potential treatments of visual motor INTEGRATION?
bean bag toss, marsden ball, saccadic fixator, walking rail, pegboard, bead stringing, straw piercing, mazes, groffman