detect possible fractures due to trauma
skull radiography
sudden damage that people experienced
if a person experiences any kind of accident, we also need to evaluate the neck or cervical spine, sinceif there is damage on the neck it can cause death.
skull radiography
the black part in the image of the skill is the air, therefore if it is not too black there might be something clogged in the sinus
skull radiography
detect emergency stroke and a 3-d view of the skull
head ct
the limitation in radiography is it can’t do a 3-d view, only back to front and left to right and vice versa
with ct and mri, we have a 3-dimensilnal view
ct and mri
images in 3 d view
detects a detailed view of the brain and blood vessels
head mri
in terms of timing, the ct is much preferred
ct vs mri
if it is something that is not yet severe, hea MRI is used. if it is severe, CT is used
ct vs mri.
the downside in ct scan for the skull is the bone can be scanned. if a bone was scanned it can have a scattered radiation, which means it will affect the detail of the image
in terms of emergency it is preferred (up)
head ct
head procedures
skull radiography
head ct
head mri
neck procedures
cervical radiography
thyroid scan
to detect the structures or anatomy of the cervical spine
cervical radiography
how many bones of cervical spine
front to back view image is too obscured compared to the lateral view image which is much clearer
cervical radiography
to detect the function of the thyroids
thyroid scan
in nuclear medicine, we evaluate body fucntion. we don not diagnose the body structure
it is the most common in the neck area due to thyroid disorders
thyroid scan