Procedures and flows Flashcards
To aid visualizing the different flows
Condition: This procedure is accomplished after papers are on tboard and flight crew is ready for push back and/or engine start
- Loadsheet
- Performance data (V-speeds)
- ACARS clearance
To be obtained:
- Clearance from ground crew to pressurize
- Start clearance from ATC
- Trim to be set & verified

Condition: Captain will call for “After start procedure”
Following is presumed:
- All engines running
- Apu running
- Icing conditions
After completion:
- Control column check

Condition: Taxi clearance has been obtained, and taxi commenced.

Condition: Aircraft rotated and positive rate of climb is confirmed
Pilot flying:
- CM1
Pilot monitoring
- CM2

Condition: Aircraft passing FL100 with A/P engaged
Pilot flying:
Pilot monitoring

Condition: After landing and speedbrake lever is positioned in DOWN

Condition: Aircraft comes to a stop at the gate. CM1 calls for a “Shut down procedure”
Note: CM2 flows depicted only
Note: CM1 does following
- Sets parking brake
- Moves Fuel control switches to CUT OFF
- Nose wheel steering OFF
- Seat belts OFF
- Beacon light OFF
- EFB data send