Problem of Evil: Irenaeus Flashcards
What was Christianity like in Irenaeus’ time?
Lived when Christianity was relatively new
What did Irenaeus help form?
The New Testament
What did many Christian thinkers discuss at the time?
The issue of how a God of love and power could allow such suffering
What does Irenaeus’ theodicy rely upon?
‘The Fall’
What is the term for humans resembling God?
Imagio dei
What did Irenaeus believe about the serpent?
The serpent was solely to blame for the temptation. If God didn’t save humanity, the serpent would’ve triumphed over God
What was Irenaeus’ main question?
Ready made goodness or goodness derived from moral choices, freewill and situations of difficulty and temptation
What did Irenaeus believe about natural evil?
Sometimes human wickedness is intermingled with disasters i.e., poor housing in an earthquake zone – humans are to blame
What is the divine purpose of evil and suffering?
To become children of God, and this could not be served in a hedonistic paradise
What is the term for when evil and suffering makes us human beings?
‘Soul making’
What is Irenaeus’ first choice?
A paradise with no pain or sin. You cannot murder, no need to work, everything is easy
What is Irenaeus’ second choice?
The real earth with pain and suffering, love and happiness, joy, and hunger
Why would paradise be the worst option in relation to God’s purpose?
Free growth can only come in a world of dependable laws, real dangers, frustration, and pain
What will happen to humans in the end?
All human beings shall in the end attain the ultimate heavenly state