Problem of evil Flashcards
Logical problem of evil
The existence of evil is logically inconsistent with the existence of the God of classical theism – God defined as omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient.
Epicurus’ logical problem of evil
If God knows about our suffering, cares about our suffering, and can do something about our suffering, then there shouldn’t be any suffering.
Epicurus quote
“Is he both able and willing? Why is there evil?”
Mackie’s logical problem of evil
The inconsistent triad.
God cannot be both omnibenevolent and omnipotent simultaneously if evil exists.
Mill’s evidential problem of evil
God cannot represent infinite goodness because of all the evil that exists within the natural world that contradicts God’s apparent qualities.
EG Human suffering.
Nature causing humans to suffer.
Animals killing each other.
Rowe’s criticism of God
Why would an omnipotent and omnibenevolent being allow pointless human and animal suffering - this seems irrational so there might be reasons we do not understand.
EG Fawn dying in a forest fire.
Alston’s perspective on God
We cannot understand God as human perspective is limited. We can only perceive what might be part of the full picture.
Platinga’s defence of God
God chooses to limit himself to allow for free will.
Dostoyevsky’s criticism of God
In his book - the brothers of Karamazof - the character Ivan returns his ticket to heaven as he doesn’t want to spend eternity with a malevolent God.
Augustine’s view on God and evil
(Influenced by the manichees)
Evil comes from falling away from goodness, therefore God isn’t responsible for it.
Augustine’s explanation of moral evil
Adam and Eve disobeyed God and caused the corruption of human nature - so sinful behaviour are now an inherent aspect of being human.
Augustine’s explanation of natural evil
The fall of the angles, including Satan, caused disharmony and imbalance in nature causing natural disasters. This was allowed by God as punishment for original sin and the fall.
How does augustine argue that God is still loving?
As he has a rescue plan. Jesus allowed for the salvation of humanity so they have the opportunity to go to Heaven.
Soul deciding theodicy (Augustine)
Those who reject Augustine’s ideas of evil will go to hell, those who accept them will go to heaven.
Irenaeus’ theodicy
Humans were born in an immature state, meaning that evil and suffering are necessary for human growth and development to become more like God.