Problem and Objective Tree Analysis Flashcards
Prior to the project
formulation and
construction of the
logical framework
matrix, structured
analysis of the existing
situation should be
Situation Analysis
The process of searching
for promising investment
opportunities to
overcome problems
constraining achievement
of desired development
objectives or exploiting
an existing development
Project Identification
Situational Analysis Process
❖ Stakeholder
❖ Problem Analysis
and Problem Tree
Project Identification Process
❖ Objectives Analysis
❖ Alternative
❖ Logical
The first step to understanding the
problem is an analysis of the people, groups, or organizations who may influence or be influenced by the problem or a
potential solution to the problem. Without people or interest groups there would be no problem.
Stakeholder or
Participation Analysis
▪ Identify key stakeholders
▪ Clarify their interests
▪ Comprehend their perception of the
▪ Specify their resources (supportive and
▪ Outline their mandate
Stakeholders Analysis
When to use
Stakeholders’ Analysis?
- During project identification (when literally there is no project idea to speak of yet)
- After decision in project approach
tool, seeks to identify the core problem, and analyze
the existing situation surrounding the context of the problem. It is the basis
and the justification for the project design.
Problem Analysis
graphic devise which describes a problem and
the hierarchy of factors which are believed to cause the problem.
problem tree analysis
Problems and their inter –relationships
can be identified and visualized using the
“problem tree”.
- organizes these
cause-and-effect relationships in a way
which can lead to a strategic selection of project components. - technique helps to identify the causal factors underlying what is
normally seen as the core problem
Problem Tree Analysis
Advantages of a Problem Tree
- Real, present issues
- The problem can be broken down into
manageable and definable chunks; - There is more understanding of the problem
- It identifies the constituent issues and arguments
- build a convincing proposed solution;
- helps build a shared
sense of understanding, purpose and action.
objective formulation tool that depicts graphically the hierarchy of objectives. It is formulated by initially inverting the statements
found in the problem tree.
Objective Tree
Preparing an Objective Tree
- Reformulate the problems as objectives;
- Check the logic and plausibility of the means-
to-ends relationship; - Adjust the structure wherever necessary and
revise statements; - Delete objectives that are not desirable;
- Check whether re-wording
- Add new objectives if they appear to be relevant and necessary
purpose of the alternatives analysis
- identify possible alternative options,
- assess the feasibility and comparative advantages of each of them
- agree upon one project strategy.
systematic way of
searching for and deciding on problem
alternative analysis
How to do Analysis of
- identifying the longer term impacts and objectives you
wish to pursue - identifying the differing means and ends ladders
- optimal project strategy to enhance performance.
Rational Choice of Alternatives
Typical criteria :
* probability of achieving the desired objectives;
* technical and institutional feasibility (implementability);
* financial and economic feasibility (cost-benefit analysis);
* social and political feasibility;
* resources available; and
* linkage with or contingency on other related initiatives.
- helps to organize ideas about the needs of the client
into a hierarchy of cause-and-effect relationships; - project objectives and components
which will respond to the needs of the clients.
Logical Framework
- an aid to logical thinking.
- a tool by which the project may be structured
and described for analytical purposes. - provides a structure that will allow project
planners and evaluators to specify
components of their activities and to identify
the logical linkages between a set of means
and set of ends.
Logical Framework (Logframe)
if certain
inputs are provided, there is a certain predictable
Linkage between inputs and outputs
the project
outputs will have a certain desirable effects.
Linkage between outputs and effects
if project
effects are achieved, this will have an impact on
some more broadly defined program or policy goal.
Linkage between effects and impacts
Essential Components of the Logframe
deals with the WHY the
project is being done, WHAT the project is to
accomplish, and HOW the project will be done.
Hierarchy of Project Objectives
Essential Components of the Logframe
provide the
performance measures in how to recognize successful
accomplishment of the objectives.
Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVIs)
Essential Components of the Logframe
the sources of data that
will demonstrate what the project is as accomplished.
Means of Verification (MOV)
Essential Components of the Logframe
the external
conditions that are outside the control of the project,
but are essential to project success.
Assumptions – (Risks and External Factors)
Logical Framework: Column Headings
term used to describe the
text that “narrates” the objectives.
Narrative Summary
Logical Framework: Column
These are the
measures, direct or indirect that will verify to what
extent the objectives have been fulfilled.
Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVIs)
Logical Framework: Column
These statements
specify source of the information for the
measurements or verification specified in the
indicators column.
Means of Verification (MOVs)
Logical Framework: Column
the conditions which could
affect the progress or success of a project.
Logical Framework: Row
higher level objective that
the project is expected to contribute to.
Development Objective:
Logical Framework: Row
effect which is expected to be achieved as the result of the project delivering the
planned outputs.
Immediate Objective
Logical Framework: Row
“deliverables” the tangible results that the project management team should be able to guarantee delivering.
Logical Framework: Row
activities that have to be
undertaken by the project to produce the outputs. The
activities take time to perform.
- is based on the principal causality in a
means-ends relationship; - identifies what the intention of the
project is; - clarifies the relationship between project
means and ends; and - specifies the uncertainties concerning
the project and the environment within
which the project is located.
vertical logic
- provides the details of a project for implementation
evaluation and purposes; - requires the specification of the results obtained at
each levels of the vertical logic; and - the objective is the measurement of resources and
the results of the project(s) through the
identification of OVIs and MOVs of these
Horizontal Logic
Summary: Logical Framework Process
- WHY the project is to be carried out (Purpose and
Goal). - WHAT the project is suppose to produce (Outputs).
- HOW the project is going to achieve the outputs
(Activities). - WHICH external factors are crucial for the success
of the project (Assumptions). - WHERE the required data can be found to measure
success of the project (Means of Verification). - WHICH inputs are required for the project (Inputs).