Problem 9 Flashcards
Which methods can you use to assess job performance ?
1. Collecting the number of counterproductive actions
e.x.: lateness, rule violations etc
2. Integrity test
3. Biodata
–> objective records of productivity like how many houses sold by real estate agent
4. Interview
5. Personality tests
6. IQ tests
7. Personal references/ Evaluations
Which of the big 5 is positively correlated with job performance ?
Conscientiousness, as this trait will describe ones style of working
–> high levels of it will predict more raises, promotions + higher job status
The correlation strength between conscientiousness + job performance is rather modest (o.2).
It is therefore suggested that specific traits could be better indicators of job performance than any of the big 5.
Which specific trait is this, when it comes to job performance ?
Pro-activity, which involves the tendency to identify opportunities and to act on them
–> “seizing the opportunity”
- Correlates positively with Extraversion + conscientiousness
- Moderately correlated with job performance (0.25), thus higher
Integrity tests
Are self report questionnaires that are intended to assess a potential employees level of honesty + dependability
–> should predict his/her tendency to refrain from counterproductive behavior
a) Overt integrity test
b) Personality-based test
Overt integrity test
Involves asking the job applicant questions which would indicate whether he/she has committed various dishonest acts
Personality-based integrity test
Involves subtle questions where the respondent doesn’t know the underlying intention of the employer to assess his/her integrity
Do integrity tests successfully predict employees performance + behavior on the job ?
Higher scores on integrity tests were modestly related to better job performance
Core self evaluations
Refer to fundamental evaluations people make about themselves
–> its predictive validity is comparable to conscientiousness
Affective commitment
Refers to an emotional attachment to organization
–> relaxed to X (work peers)
Continuance commitment
Associated to the perceived cost-benefit ratio of staying
–> related to X,N,C,O
Normative commitment
Refers to the felt obligation to stay
–> relaxed to X,A
Trait theory
States that leadership depends on the qualities of the leader
–> highly correlated Conscientiousness
Computer adaptive testing
Involves actively monitoring responses on each item + selectively administering subsequent items that are most likely to provide responses that are maximally informative about the targeted trait
–> relies on item response theory
Simple selection model
What are the advantages vs disadvantages ?
States that when selecting a candidate we select the good ones, while rejecting bad candidates
Assumption of linearity
–> the more the better, i.e. the more extrovert the better
Failing to look out for traits one doesn’t want in an employee
Personality based job analysis
Directly assessing which personality traits facilitate optimal job performance
–> insight into personality traits that are essential/desired in a specific occupation (Predictor criterion correspondence)