Probiotics Flashcards
Consist of probiotic strains that have been inactivated by lysis, heat or UV irradiation and have demonstrated some effectiveness in downregulation the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells.
non digestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics. Prebiotics help probiotics grow and remain in your digestive system. Not all carbs are prebiotics. all prebiotics must meet specific scientific criteria
food ingredeints or dietary supplements combining probiotics and prebiotics in a form of synergism.
strictly name the 4 major categories of microbial populations in the gut
- autocthonous microbiota
- normal microbiota
- pathogens
- allochtonous
autochthononous microbiota
populations of microbes that are present in large number and permantly colonize the host.
normal microbiota
commonly found in the gut, they can vary in number and be sporadically absent
periodically aquired can persist and cause infection or disease
allochtonous microbiota
microbes from another origin that are present temporarily (probiotics)
probiotic preperations typically contain
LAB and bifidobacteria which are normal constituents of the human GI microflora.
name the 6 criterias for selection of probiotic strains.
- origin of strains
- biosafety
- tolerance to acid and bile salts.
- adhesion to intestinal cells
- production of antimicrobial susbtances
- utilization of prebiotics
name the mechanism of action of probiotic cultures
3 major avenues through which probiotics cultures have beneficial activities in the GIT.
- interaction with the immune system, 2.strengthening of the mucosal barrier
- exclusion of pathogens
how do probiotics interact with the immune system?
some probiotics appear to shift the production of cytokines from the inflammation-including interleukin-12 pathways to the anti inflammatory IL-10 pathway.
how do probiotics strenghten the muscosal barrier?
dysfunction of the GIT barrier can lead to inflammatory bowel disease and some probiotics enhance this barrier by encouraging production of protective proteins such as mucins
how to probiotics exclude pathogens in the GIT?
inhibit attachment of bacterial pathogens to the GIT epithelial cells by physically blocking the receptor sites.
Name 4 proposed health outcomes and suspected mechanisms due to probiotics
lactose digestion = lactase activity by probiotic cultures
weight loss = microbiota with less efficient energy use
resistance to enteric pathogens = colonization resistance, unfav conditions
reduction of ulcers = LAB produce bacteriocins that are effective against H.pylori
what types of antimicrobial substances are produced by probiotic strains?
- lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins. lactic acid also lowers pH of the colon and this low pH affects ability of pathogenic bacteria to grow in the colon and vagina.
- hydrogen production is also particularly good at discouraging urogenital infections
The relationship between prebiotics and probiotics is important. probiotics should be able to use _____.
what probiotic formulation was used to double the lifespan of fruit flies?
Lplantarum, L fermentum and Bifidobacteria longum along with prebiotic (Triphala)
Explain how Ecoli nissle could be used to treat Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It is thought that pathogenic Ecoli play a role in flair ups. Mesalazine is currently used to treat patients however Ecoli nissile is proposed to be as effective in maintaining remission of UC through 3 mechanism
- direct antimicrobial effect
- bacterial-epithelial crosstalk
- immmune-modulatory properties
Are S thermophillus and L bulgaricus in Yogurt Probiotics
Yes; both species have beta glycosidase activities and eating yogurt improves lactoses digestions and eliminates symptoms of lactose intolerance.
No; 2 species are not usually considered probiotics since they are not known to proliferate in the intestines. They are called transient, they do not colonize the GIT, they may have beneficial activities in the GIT, although they do not remain there long enough to be considered probiotics.
What are L rhamonosus
colonize vagina following oral intake. depletion of yeasts.
Who is George Reid and what did he start?
professor. He found that oral probiotics improve vaginal health and prevent UTIs. Started fermented food for life which distributes 1 grams sachets that contain probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 bacteria and S. thermophillus.
example the use of probiotics in animal nutrition
used in agricultural production and companion aimals to enhance growth, weight gain, reduce carriage of human enteric pathogens
what are the limitations of probiotic studies?
the effetcs are likely small and is likely confounded by age, diet, and lifestyle
- study results vary with the strain used and the pop level of probiotic cells delivered, the health marker targeted and the age etc.
3. limited biomarkers
what are the regulations with respect to probiotics in europe
not governed under specific regulatory frameworks
what are the regulations with respect to probiotics in Canada?
they can be added to food products, list of marketing statements you can make for the organisms. they are classified as food.
health benefit must be supplied evidence to health canada.