privatisation and globalisation in education Flashcards
how do international comparisons drive up standards
international PISA rankings show global camapartyions of educational success from different countries. Led: competition between countries to have the best education system which can & be regarded as a sign of economic and political success.
what did Alexander say abt PISA
argues britians decline position in international league tables in recent yrs led to government intervention and panic set the state if British education.
policies to drive up British education standards
- national literacy + numeracy strategy (1998)
-slimming down of the national curriculum (2010)
-raising entry requirements for teacher training 2012
-marketisation n privatisation introduced 1988
-increased quality control + accountability (publication league tables + ousted) - free schools introduced 2010.
evaluation of international comparisons and driving up standards
+ making international comparisons can be goof way of evaluating British policy
-education system around the world will become increasingly alike and fail to reflect local circumstances and culutures
-gov polecat based on comparisons could be knee-jerk reactions and create a narrow view of education.
who talked abut changing employment markets
kelly 2009
how has globalisation’s caused changing employment market
meant that economies r inter-related & more competitive.
= education policy need to meet the demand of global economy & produce skilled workers to keep British economy afloat.
why do British workers need to be better educated bc of gloabisation??
- globalisation - de-instutrialiastion = unskilled labour work & manufacturing has been relocated to developing countries. (more cost efficient)
British economy is now based on production of ideas not products. TF need British workers ti be better educated + qualified to take higher skilled jobs.
why did school leaving age increase??
- pupils now required to spend longer time in education.
POLICY school leaving age 16 to 18 to ensure students r better qualified & skilled to meet needs to competitive work force.
how has the work place become more flexible ??
more part time work, shift work.
may opened up more employment opportunities for women in the service sector .
what compensatory policies have been introduced bc of globalisation’s
E.M.A aimed to encourage more WC pupils to remain in further education.
evaluation of changing employment markets bc of globalisation
- too much government focus on economic objectives may limit oppoitiiesd for schools to teach socasil objectives e.g. integration, citizenship.
-& graduate unemployment has reached high numbers & many r over-qualified for their jobs
-WC skill end uo doing unskilled low paid jobs as they r less able to stay in further education due to fear of debt.
how has globalisation led to diversity & multicultural education?
increased migration led to cultural diversity.
what changes have been made bc of diversity n multi-culurtral to education?
- Curriculum - wider varieties of languages, citizen education, religious education, organisation of school routine- uniform, flexible timetables, changes to school holidays.
- Educational policy - introduction of multi-culturak ed policies to promote inclusion e.g. black history month.
- social integration - coalition gov made it legal requirement to teach British values 2011. checked by Ousted.
evaluation of diversity & multi-cultural education
-multi-cultural education criticised for bring tokensitic & education system remains ethnocentric.
-multi-cultrual polices r further criticised for taking an assimilation approach by encouraging pupils to adopt British culture (British values)
what affect has transactional coorprations had
multinational organisations & businesses role in writing cirruclums, offering qualifications & creating learning materials fir schools & governments around the world (Pearsons now has divisions across the world)
-marxist believe transactions C use educations to legitimise profit making (thru colonisation schools save as advertising brand loyalty - vending machines)
evaluation of transactional corporations
- professionalism of teachers can be undermined by school imporvement programme driven by multinational coronations & the expertise ion their managers & consultants.
globalisation and the effect of technoloigy in school
-increasingly facilitates interconnectedness & creates new ways of communicating & learning (open university, online learning)
-create education ssoftware tools & apps which they sell to schools for profit.
-allows partnerships to form
marketisation - globally
unis set up overseas branches (Nottingham campus in china) encourage oversea students as they pay higher fees (up to £36,000 a year)
evaluation of marketisation globally
-WC students face increased inequality, oversea students favoured by unis bc they achieve higher grades & pay more tuition.