BIS: religion, renewal & choice - topic4 Flashcards
why r New forms of religion occuring
result of trends in late modern society, such as greater individualisation, choice and consumerism
do all sociologists believe secularisation is happening
some sociologists reject secularisation theory + argue that religion is simply changing, rather than in decline
which sociologist came up with belief without belonging
Davie 2007
argues religion is not in declining but simply taking a different more privatised form.
main points of belief without belonging
-p no longer go to church because they feel they have to
= church going declining because attendance is now matter of personal choice rather than an obligation.
-now have believing without belonging-people hold religious beliefs but don’t go to church.
-the decline of traditional religion is matched by the growth of new form of religion.
- is a trend towards ‘vicarious religion’
vicarious religion
small minority practice religion on behalf of much larger number of people
In Britain church attendance is decreasing does no one use churched anymore?
despite low attendance, many people still use the churches for rites of passage-baptism weddings + funerals. They are a ‘spiritual health service’, avaliable for everyone to use when they need it.
what does Davie say about believing without belonging
(multiple modernities)
Davie rejects secularisation theory assumption that modernisation affects every society in the same way. Instead there are multiple modernities
e.g. Britain + America are both modern societies, but with very different patterns of religion- high church attendance in America, low in Britain, but accompanied by believing without belonging.
what does Davie reject
secularisation theory
Who came up with spiritual shopping?
Hervieu-Léger 2000
supports the theme of personal choice + believing without belonging.
what are Hervieu-Légers points for spiritual shopping
-there has been cultural amnesia.
people have lost the religion that used to be handed down from generation to generation through family + church
-greater equality has undermined the traditional church’s power to impose religions from above, so young people no longer inherit fixed religious identity.
traditional relgion in decline, religion continues through individual consumerism. people have become spiritual shoppers. Religion is now individualised - we now develop our own ‘do it yourself’ beliefs.
what does cultural amnesia mean
loss of collective memory
what are Hervieu-Leger two new religious types emerging from spiritual shopping
Pilgrims: follow individual path in search for self-discovery
e.g. new age or through individual ‘therapy’
Converts: join religious groups that offer strong sense of belonging. This re-creates a sense of community
e.g. evangelical movements and ethnic minority churches.
What did Lyon argue about postmodern religions
argues that postmodern society has several features that are changing the nature of religion - globalisation, the increased importance of the media + consumerism. As a result, traditional religion is giving way to. new religious forms + these demonstrate its continuing strength.
Relocations of religion e.g. Online religion
(postmodern religion)
result of globalisation.
-increase movement of religious ideas across national boundaries via online religion.
-media saturates us with images + messages from around the globe, giving us instant access to the ideas + beliefs of previously remote regions.
-these ideas are ‘disembeded’ = the media lift them out of their local contexts + move them to different place + time
- so, R becomes de-institutionalised - signs + images become detached from their place in R institutions, floating in cyber-space.
what’s an example of religion becoming disebedded
relocates religion on the internet + TV, allowing believers to express their faith without attending church.