Private Pilot SG Flashcards
PP eligibility reqs:
- At least 17
- Understand English
- US student pilot cert
- At least 3rd class medical
- Ground+flight training (61.107) & endorsements from instructor (61.105)
- Pass required knowledge & practice tests (61.107)
- Meet FAR 61.109
Aeronautical Experience
Need at least 40 hrs of flight time
—20hrs w/instructor
——3hrs sim instrument
——3hrs XC
——3hrs night (XC at least 100nm + 10 takeoffs and landings)
——3hrs practice prep
—10hrs solo (61.107)
——5hrs XC (at least 150nm total, 3 diff full stops, 1 leg at least 50nm)
——3 T/O full stop landings at tower airport
Flight proficiency requirements
Emergency procedures, navigation, maneuvers
Aeronautical knowledge of aircraft category & class.
- Privileges, limits,flight operations
- Accident reporting
- Use of AIM & AC
- Aeronautical charts and VFR navigation
- Radio communication
- Weather planning
- Safe aircraft operations (wakes turb, collision avoidance)
- Effects of density altitude
- W&B
- Aerodynamics, power plants, systems
- Stall awareness, spins
- Preflight action
Privileges and limitations:
1. May not pay less than pro-rata share
2. Cannot be for hire to carry passengers/cargo
3. Can be PIC if flight is incidental to business
4. Can be PIC for charity
5. Can be PIC if salesman w/200hrs
6. Can be PIC of aircraft towing glider or ultra-light vehicle (61.69)
7. Reimbursed for search and rescue operations
BasicMed limits (61.23)
1. Aircraft cannot seat more than 6 people, max weight 6000lbs
2. Less than 18000’
3. Within US
4. Less than 250 knots
5. Logbook has: med exam checklist, med edu course completion cert
Reqs for cert, ratings
PIC must have: pilot cert, med cert, gov ID
Can be inspected upon request of: administrator, NTSB, law enforcement, TSA
Responsibility & authority of PIC:
1. Final authority for safety of aircraft
2. May deviate from rule/instruction for safety
—If requested by admin, send written report regarding deviation to admin
Med cert
For PP only 3rd class req.
3rd class: req for—pvt, cfi, rec. under 40–60, over 40–24
2nd class: req for—comm. under 40–12, over—12
1st class: req for—ATP. Under 40–12, over—6
BasicMed (AC 68-1A)
-Must comply w/med restrictions assoc w/driver’s license.
-have had a med cert after July 2006
-complete med education course w/in 24mo of acting PIC
-completed med exam by doc w/in 48mo
-previous med cert cannot have had been suspended/revoked/denied
Type rating, authorization reqs
Need type rating for: large aircraft, turbojets, other specified aircraft
Must have logged ground&flight training, found proficient in, and receive endorsements for: EFIG
E(verything)—Complex: retractable gear+flaps+controllable pitch prop.
F(ast)—High performance: above 200hp
I(tail wheel)—flight training must include—normal&crosswind T/O&landings, wheel landings, go-arounds
G(as)—Pressurized Cabin: max operating (service ceiling) above 25000’. Training must include—respiratory knowledge, emergency procedures.
Flight review
Must conduct a biennial (every 24mo) flight review, in aircraft authorized.
1hr each of relevant (pilot cert) flight & ground training, to receive endorsement.
Do not need if:
1. Student pilot in training w/solo endorsement
2. Passed test/proficiency check w/in 24mo
Recent flight experience-PIC
For passengers need: 3 T/O & 3 landings w/in 90days in aircraft of same category,class,type. If tailwheel must be done to full stop.
If at night: has to be done 1hr after sunset/1hr before sunrise
External pressures
Part of preflight
Medication—don’t fly medicated
Stress—can lead to distraction.
Alcohol—8hrs, .04%, under the influence (91.17)
Fatigue—Acute: short term. Chronic:long term. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): assoc w/chronic illness like hypertension, stroke, obesity.
Emotion—upsetting events
- 8hrs bottle-throttle. Not under influence. Not higher than .04% blood concentration (g of alc/210L of breath)
- Except in emergency no intoxicated passengers
Preflight: Passenger brief
Seatbelts/harnesses, seat adjusted & locked
Air vents—loc&opo.
Fire Extinguisher—PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)
Exit—how to use(doors/windows) evac plan, emergency equip/checklists
Your questions