Private Acquisitions - Tax Flashcards
- Share or business sale?
- Who is receiving the consideration?
- What tax(es) will be payable?
- How is it/are they calculated?
- Are there any exemptions or reliefs?
- Apply any tests relevant to the exemptions to the facts.
- Conclude whether the exemption or relief applies on the facts.
- Consider Buyer tax issues e.g. Stamp Duty on shares, SDLT on real property.
ER - Criteria?
- Trading company (i.e. listed or unlisted)
- Shares held at least one year prior to disposal
- Person disposing WAS officer/employee
- Person disposing held at least 5% ordinary shares
NB unlikely to apply in case of deferred consideration in form of shares, since recipient unlikely to be officer of the buyer
IR - Criteria?
- Fully paid ordinary shares, issued for cash on or after 17 March 2016
- Trading company, or holding company of trading group
- NO shares on stock exchange (contrast Entrepreneur’s Relief)
- Shares held for at least three years from 6 April 2016
- Person disposing NOT officer or employee
3 year period INCLUDES the time the individual held the original shares in Target (can add that to time spent holding the new shares)
If consideration in loan notes, IR cannot be claimed on their later redemption
SSE - Criteria?
- Seller owned at least 10% of the ordinary share capital
- Owned for at least 12 consecutive months in the 6 years prior to sale
- Target must be trading company or holding company of a trading group, throughout the period beginning with the start of the 12 consecutive month period (above) and ending with the sale
What is the memo of understanding published by BVCA regarding HMRC treatment of managers’ shares in Newco 1 where there are no ratchet provisions?
(Not treated as income, but CAPITAL GAIN)
Old Codgers Pay Silly Money For No Ratchet
- Ordinary share capital
- Commercial terms of leverage provided by other holders of share capital (if applicable)
- Price paid same as that paid by fund
- Same time acquired as fund
- Management’s shares have no special features
- Fully remunerated
- (Not for ratchet provisions)
What is the memo of understanding published by BVCA regarding HMRC treatment of managers’ shares in Newco 1 - WITH ratchet provisions?
Not treated as income, but CAPITAL GAIN
Old Codgers Stay Fully Prepped Except Peter
- Ordinary shares
- Commercial terms of leverage provided by other holders of share capital (if applicable)
- Simultaneous acquisition of shares
- Fully remunerated
- Performance of the company variation in ratchet performance
- Existence at the same time (the ratchets)
- Price reflects maximum economic entitlement they could achieve under the ratchet
What is the test for group relief for trading losses?
- Beneficially own at least 75% of subsidiary (i.e. ordinary share capital)
- Beneficially entitled to at least 75% of profits for distribution AND assets on winding up (this is the economic ownership test)
Indirect ownership applies for both
Losses can be set off against gains in both current accounting period and future accounting periods
Chargeable gains group test?
- Principal company
- Its 75% subsidiaries
- The 75% subsidiaries of those subsidiaries BENEFICIALLY (i.e. ordinary share capital)
So long as the parent company is ECONOMICALLY entitled to at least 50% of the subsidiaries profits for distribution and assets available on winding up
NB 75% test is not the same as ‘indirect ownership’ test for group relief - could have an infinite number of 75% subsidiaries
BUT indirect ownership does apply for effective 51% subsidiary test
What is the test for a consortium group?
At least 75% owned by at least 2 corporate shareholders with at least 5% ownership each
NB cannot be consortium company if 75% subsidiary of another company
How do you calculate consortium relief?
- Find each member’s ‘relevant fraction’ - the lowest of:
- Shareholding
- Percentage entitlement to profits
- Percentage entitlement to assets on winding up - If consortium company is surrendering company (i.e. has losses), multiply fraction by the company’s loss
- If consortium company is the claimant company (i.e. has gains), multiply fraction by the company’s gains
NB consortium relief cannot turn profits into loss for claimant company
On what basis is a transfer of chargeable assets within chargeable gains groups?
Transfer is on no gain/no loss basis at the time the time of transfer
How is the disposal of goodwill and IP acquired or created after 1 April 2002 treated for tax purposes?
What is the de-grouping treatment?
Disposal - treated as INCOME receipt
Different treatment under de-grouping - still treated as capital gain, but (unlike other de-grouping charges), the charge arises in the TARGET (i.e. company leaving the group) [see card on de-grouping for intangibles]
How do chargeable gains groups offset losses against gains within the group?
If one company in group makes a loss, can set this off against a gain arising in another group, so long as BOTH jointly elect to do so within 2 YEARS after the end of the accounting period in which the disposal occurs
How is the de-grouping charge calculated for chargeable gains groups?
If company, which has received chargeable asset, leaves group within 6 YEARS of receipt, de-grouping charge applies:
- Leaving company treated as disposing of asset at market value at time of transfer, with its ‘old’ base cost equal to the base cost of the asset first entering the group –> chargeable gain
- Leaving company also treated as immediately reacquiring asset at market value at time of transfer (‘new’ base cost in asset)
Deemed gain notionally added to consideration due to the SELLER –> taxable gain
However, SSE may apply, to prevent the charge
How is the de-grouping charge for ‘intangibles’ regime calculated?
Same rules as for other assets within chargeable gains group, but charge arises in TARGET,
However, possible for member of Seller’s group to make a joint election with Seller that the charge will arise in them (not Target)