BLP - Tax Flashcards
Close Company - criteria, effect
Under control of
- Five or fewer participators
- Any number of participators who is also a director
All loans are caught, except for:
- Credit for six months for goods ordinarily supplied
- Loan where money lending = ordinary business
- Loan to borrower not more than £15,000, where borrower works at company and does not have material interest (indirect control of more than 5% share capital or entitlement to more than 5% of company’s assets on winding up)
Participator = having share or interest in the company
Control = ability to exercise control over company’s affairs (greater than 50%), normally by voting rights or the possession of shares entitling holder to greater part of assets on winding up OR entitling holder to greater part (i.e. over 50%) of income on winding up
Effect - company pays tax at rate for dividends at higher rate (32.5%), UNLESS written off, waived, repaid or satisfied
Individual pays no income tax, UNLESS loan written off or waived
Deadline - paid within 9 months and one day after end of accounting period
Investor’s Relief - criteria
- Fully paid ordinary shares, issued for cash on or after 17 March 2016
- Trading company, or holding company of trading group
- NO shares on stock exchange (contrast Entrepreneur’s Relief)
- Shares held for at least three years from 6 April 2016
- Person disposing NOT officer or employee
Entrepreneur’s Relief - criteria
- Trading company (i.e. listed or unlisted)
- Shares held at least one year prior to disposal
- Person disposing WAS officer/employee
- Person disposing held at least 5% ordinary shares
Corporate tax - deductible expenditure
- Wholly and exclusively for the purposes of trade
- Not prohibited by statute, i.e. not entertainment, bad debts
- Of an income nature
Corporate tax - when paid
If total taxable profits 1.5 million or more - payable in four instalments over current
accounting period and the next one
If TTP less than 1.5 million, payable within 9 months and one day of end of accounting period
Share buyback - when whole sum treated as capital receipt
- Unquoted trading company
- Seller resident in UK for tax year of sale
- Shares owned for at least 5 years
- Substantial reduction in seller’s shareholding (at least 25%)
- 12 months after purchase, seller must not hold more than 30% of:
- Company’s issued share capital; or
- Share and loan capital; or
- Voting power
- remember shares bought back are cancelled*
- must benefit the trade, and not be part of a tax avoidance scheme or enable shareholder to participate in profits without receiving dividend
Assets excluded from capital gains tax
- Principal private residence
- Motor cars for private use
- Wasting tangible movable property, if consideration does not exceed £6,000
- Investments, e.g. ISAs, government bonds
- UK sterling
Income tax - deductible expenditure
- INTEREST on qualifying loans:
- Loans to buy interest in partnership
- Loans to contribute capital to a business
- Loans to buy shares in a ‘close’ company
- Loans to buy shares in employee-controlled company
- Pension scheme contributions
Non-savings income formula
Taxable income minus SAVINGS income minus DIVIDEND income
‘Connected persons’ for CGT - market value disposal
- Relatives and spouses of the relatives
- Companies, if under common control
- Partners in business
Gift- value for CGT
Where gift made, donor deemed to receive the value of the gift at the date it was made
Initial expenditure - CGT
Cost price of the asset
Incidental costs of acquisition
Subsequent expenditure - CGT
Subsequent expenditure which enhances its value
Expenditure incurred in establishing, preserving or defending title to the asset
Rollover relief - CGT
Rolls over gain of disposing of asset into cost of acquiring replacement asset
Holdover relief - CGT
Business gives away asset at undervalue
NOT available for quoted shares (i.e. those listed on stock exchange)
Donee’s acquisition cost is reduced by the amount of the donor’s deemed gain (at market value)
VAT - input/output, prices
Price deemed VAT inclusive unless stated otherwise
Business can recover input VAT which it has paid, but must give HMRC any output VAT
Business cannot recover input VAT if it does not charge output VAT
Deemed to be 20% for standard supplies
VAT - standard rate
Calculating VAT element of VAT-inclusive price - multiply by 1/6
VAT - invoice, online return
Where business makes VATable supply, must supply the customer/client with a VAT invoice within 30 days, and keep a copy
Business must submit a VAT return online every 3 months
If business pays more than 2.3 million to HMRC in VAT, it must make monthly instalments on account, and pay balance when submitting quarterly return
VAT - special schemes
- Flat rate scheme: where VAT-registered business has taxable annual turnover of not more than £150,000 and a total annual turnover of not more than £230,000, VAT charged at flat rate on turnover (no relief for input VAT)
- Retail schemes (where business cannot invoice the large number of customers)
- Cash accounting - where turnover less than £1,350,000, account for VAT at point invoice is paid
- Annual turnover not exceeding £1,350,000 - business can make annual return, with VAT paid by instalments, balance paid when VAT return submitted
CGT - Capital Allowances on Plant and Machinery (P&M)
Capital Allowance is deductible expenditure for INCOME purposes
Assets qualifying for Rollover Relief - CGT
- Land and buildings
- Goodwill
- Fixed plant and machinery
- Ships and hovercraft
- Aircraft
- Milk and potato quotas
- Space stations
- Lloyds syndicate capacity
Timing of Rollover Relief - CGT
Replacement asset must be purchased within 1 year before or 3 years after the sale of the old asset
Use of Proceeds of Sale in Rollover Relief - CGT
If not all the sale proceeds are used to acquire replacement, the amount by which the sale proceeds of the original asset exceed the cost of the replacement (think ‘profit’) is DEDUCTED from the chargeable gain before Rollover Relief, and only remaining amount of gain may be rolled into the new asset
So, if ‘profit’ is greater than the amount of the chargeable gain, then no Rollover Relief can be claimed
Goodwill and IP Disposals - Corporation Tax
Disposals of goodwill and IP are treated as INCOME receipts
Dividend received by company - Corporation Tax
Dividend income received by a company is NOT included in TTP (since tax liability for the dividend is paid by the company distributing the dividend, before that latter company pays the dividend itself)
Corporate Tax - Deductibility of Trading Losses and Capital Losses
Trading loss = tax deductible expenditure exceeds income receipts
Four ways to set off trading losses:
- Trading losses can be set off against ALL other profits of the SAME accounting year
- Trading losses can be set off against profits of the PREVIOUS accounting period, but only for the SAME TRADE
Terminal losses - if company ceases trading, any trading loss in final 12 months can be set off against previous THREE years prior to 12 month period
- a) TRADING losses can be set off against INCOME profits of the SAME TRADE in the future, if losses arose up to 31 MARCH 2017
b) TRADING losses can be set off against TOTAL PROFITS (i.e. regardless of trade) of future periods if they arose from 1 APRIL 2017 - Group relief - one company trading loss can surrender that loss to another profitable company in the same group
CAPITAL loss = capital expenditure exceeds capital gain –> CANNOT be set off against trading gains