Prions Flashcards
Diffuse infection if the brain parenchyma (encephalitis) almost associated with meaningful inflammation
Diffused infection of the brain parenchyma sometimes with simultaneous involvement of the spinal cord
Lesions appear, gradually demyelinatingbthe nerve cells (white matter) of the brain, causing loss of coordination and weakness
JCVirus( Progressive Multifocal leukorncephalopathy) PML
Described PML (JCVirus)
JCvirus (PML) is seen in what individuals?
What is the epidemiology of JCVirus (PML)
What is the pathogenesis of JC virus?
Morphology if JC virus
Family- polyoma virus
Non-enveloped DNA virus
What are the symptoms of PML (JCvirus)?
Labs and test to confirm JC virus (PML)
What is this disease?
Describe SSPE
What is the pathogenesis of SSPE
What are the symptoms of SSPE?
What is the morphology of SSPE? Focus on the Genome type and differentiate from PML(jcvirus)
Classical CJD and n.variant CJD
Transmissinle spongiform encephalopathy