Principles of Soft Tissue Surgery Flashcards
Describe Halsteads principles
- Gentle tissue handling
- Strict asepsis
- Haemostasis
- Preservation of the blood supply
- No tension on tissues
- Good approximation of tissues
- Obliteration of dead space (avoids filling with fluid)
Describe the duodenal maneuver
Duodenum normally ventrally on right side – retract it across the abdominal cavity, which enables the small and large intestine to be retracted, exposing:
• right urogenital structures
• vena cava and portal system
Describe the colonic Maneuver
Retraction of the decending colon provides exposure of the left side of the abdomen
Give 5 rules of GI surgery
- Recognise and incorporate the submucosa into the surgical closure
- Gentle tissue handling
- Maintain a good blood supply
- Prevent tension across the suture line
- Avoid spillage of contents – laparotomy swabs
What must you remember when suturing up the bowel?
You need to include the submucosal layer - highest collagen level will handle sutures best
What is a gastrotomy and when is it used?
- Incision into the stomach and suturing back up
* Often used in foreign body removal and biopsy
What suture material and method would you use to suture up the the stomach?
Monofilament 3-0 or 2-0
May stitch up in 2 separate layers (submucosa and mucosa, Muscularis and serosa)
Define intussusception and name the parts of it.
• Sections of the intestine “telescoping” into itself
• Intussusceptum Inner segment of intussusception
• Intussuscipiens Portion of bowel containing the intussusceptum
Give three causes of intussusception
• Causes include lack of worming in puppies and kittens, GI tumours and post moretem
Describe and Enterotomy
• Formation of a hole in the intestine
What suture material and pattern would you use to deal with an enterotomy?
o Polydioxanone (PDS), polyglyconate (Maxon), Glycomer 631 (Biosyn), Poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl)
o 3/0 or 4/0
o Good early tensile strength (days 5-7)
o Resist absorption for > 21 days
o Simple interrupted appositional sutures
o 2-3mm apart, 2-3mm from edge
When would you feed an animal after GI surgery and why?
o Starvation after GI surgery detrimental
o Villous atrophy
o Ulceration
o Breakdown in gut barrier
o Ileus
o Early enteral nutrition indicated in most circumstances
Define anastomosis
Formation of a new connection between two body parts that carry fluid (may be required if removing sections of bowel or blood vessels)
What three things must you do before closing the abdomen post surgery?
- Check integrity of repair: gut, bladder
- Check for bleeding
- Count swabs
What suture material and patterns are best for the Subcutaneous layer in abdominal closure?
Subcutaneous layer
o simple continuous, glyconate, polydioxanone, poliglecaprone
What suture material and patterns are best for the Intradermal layer in abdominal closure?
Simple continuous, glyconate, polydioxanone, poliglecaprone
What suture material and patterns are best for the Skin sutures in abdominal closure?
o Non-absorbable, usually nylon
o Interrupted or continuous pattern
What suture material and patterns are best for the linea alba in abdominal closure?
o Continuous suture patterns preferableo Absorbable monofilament e.g. polydioxanone or polyglyconate
o e.g. commonly either 2-0 or 0 (dogs) or 3-0 or 2-0 (cats
Describe post op care for abdominal surgery
- ALWAYS cover wound before leaving theatre – fibrin seal takes several hours to form
- Analgesia – always.
- Antibiotics - rationale??
- Check wound every 24 hours – inspection, gentle palpation – wear gloves!