Principles of Pharmacokinetics Flashcards
Describe the overall general principles involved in absorption
-goal is to attain a therapeutic drug concentration in the plasma from which drug enters tissues so that a therapeutic window between toxic drug concentration and minimal effective concentration of the drug is reached
Describe the overall general principles involved in distribution
Describe the overall general principles involved in metabolism
Describe the overall general principles involved in elimination/excretion
Describe the principles controlling the rate and extent of drug absorption with different routes of drug administration (i.e., oral vs. sublingual vs. IV vs. IM administration)
drug related properties -lipid-water solubility --> how much drug is dissolved in liquid vs water (polar coefficient) -molecular size -particle size -degree of ionization --> + or - charged; concerns pH --> unionized drugs cross membrane easily -physical forms -chemical nature -doasage forms -formulation -concentration Body related properties -want large area of absorptive surface -want high vascularity -pH (affected by ionization of drug) -presence of other substances --> creates competition -GI motility -functional integrity and absoprtive srface -diseases
Describe the principles determining the distribution of drugs throughout major body compartments
- endothelium: uncharged molecules best, p-glycoprotein transporters transport quaternary amines back into intestines
- BBB: poor transport due to tight junctions, antibiotics are too large
- Epithelium: acts as a barrier to poorly lipid soluble drugs, injury inflammation increases absorption
- site dependent high absorption areas: scrotum, forehead, abdomen
- Compartmentalization: absess formation, poor blood flow (ischemia)
- 2 Compartment Model:
- alpha phase: rapid redistribution (sent to tissue storage)
- beta phase: slow metabolism or excretion (slowly moves back into plasma
- drug is trapped by pH, chemcial composition, lipid solubility gradients
Describe the role of plasma protein binding in determining drug distribution, metabolism, & excretion
- only free drugs can be metabolized or excreted
- binding proteins for excess capacity: albumin, a1-glycoprotein, lipoproteins
- competitive binding between drugs – displaced drug must be highly bound; displacement drug must be highly bound and less potent/toxic; displaced dru must be highly potent
Describe the physiologic processes determining the rate of drug excretion by the kidney
- reversible to redistribution in fat (thiopental, general anesthetics)
- metabolism causes a more active drug
- metabolizes to pharmacologically inactive form of drug OR to water-soluble version –> excreted
Describe the calculation do renal clearance
liver blood flow * extraction ratio
(the volume of blood perfusing the liver that is cleared of the drug per unit time)
-genetics and cytochrome C affect extraction ratio
-large steroid-like drugs transported into bile and excreted
-lipid soluble have higher extraction ratio
Describe the process of phase I drug metabolism, providing three different examples
(mixed function oxidases) -located in SER Oxidative Reactions -hydroxylation, epoxide formation, desulfuration, desulfuration, dehalogenation, dealkinations Reduction Reactions -aldehydes and ketones Hydrolytic Reactions
Describe the process of phase II drug metabolism, providing three different examples
-glucuronic acid conjugation
-sulfate conjugation
-AA conjugation
-acetylation (N-acetylation is most common)
Describe the various reactions mediated by P-450 mixed function oxidases in phase I metabolism
- Reduced flavoprotein oxidized flavoprotein
- various isoforms used to metabolize endogenous steroids; make drugs more polar and water soluble; can be induced or inhibited
Describe the importance of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms in the actions of prodrugs and drugs dependent upon P450 inactivation
-turns morphine on and off by demethylating 2 different side groups
Calculate renal (and hepatic) clearances from physiologic data
(urine conc. * urine volume)/plasma conc.
Define “apparent volume of distribution”
Vd(L) = (absorbed dose (mg))/(Cp(time 0)(mg/L))
- caffeine and theophylline distribute evenly in total body water
- lidocaineextensive binding to plasma proteins
- Digoxin extensively binds to skeletal muscle
- Chloroquine and nortriptyline accumulate in body fat
Define glomerular filtration
- 20% of renal plasma flow
- only free fraction is filtered
Define creatinine clearance
Define plasma half-life
Define renal reabsorption
- passive, uncharged form, pH dependent
- active transport –> up to 99% of some substances transported from filtrate to plasma
- renal clearance < 125ml/min
Define renal secretion
- Active transport –> up to 95% of some substances transported from plasma to urine in a single pass
- renal clearance > 125ml/min
Define oral absorption
- uncharged form best absorbed
- surface area dependent
- most must pass through hepatic portal system – 1st pass effect
- ion trapping: trap basic drugs in stomach (pH dependent)
- p-glycoprotein transport - transports drugs back into the intestine from blood
- cyanocobalamin transports vitamin B12 & intrinsic factor
- Vitamin D ransport is dependent on Ca2+
Define bioavailability
oral absorption minus first-pass metabolism or reverse transport
Define enterohepatic circulation
How does thiopental work?
- rapid absorption in skeletal and adipose tissue
- slow reabsorption into plasma (slower from fat)
- reabsorption terminates pharmacoloical action
What are the general characteristics of both Phase I and II of drug metabolism?
- metabolites are more water soluble and larger molecular weight
- renal clearance improved
- most commonly inactivates drugs – less toxic
- Phase II is faster than Phase I