Principles of Imaging Flashcards
The benefits of CT for RT planning:
● Provides geometrically accurate 3D data
● Provides electron density information
○ Used to calculate attenuation information
○ Relative linear attenuation coefficient
CT scans provide electron density information, what can be calculated from this?
○ Used to calculate attenuation information
○ Relative linear attenuation coefficient
What is the Hounsfield unit a measure of?
Another name for this unit in 1 common application.
Radiodensity. It is frequently used in CT scans, where its value is also termed CT number.
Calculation of Hounsfield unit:
u = a voxel’s average linear attenuation coefficient:
In HUs:
CT number = (u - uH2O)/(uH2O-uAIR)
Steps in acquiring a CT scan
Helical versus step and shoot.
1) Fan beam scans across a patient as bed is moved through scanner (i.e as opposed to step and shoot). Speed at which patient moved relative to 1 beam rotation is controlled by specifying the pitch factor.
2) Detectors (single or multiple row) measure beam intensity (e.g at every one of 360 views) PROFILE of attenuated radiation passing through body.
3) Image slices formed by combining (BACKPROPAGATION) the profiles obtained over the width spanned by the slice. These images are divided into VOXELS. Image filtering typically occurs at this stage.
4) The linear XR beam attenuation within a voxel is converted to a CT number.
X-ray attenuation depends on both the ………. and …….. of materials and the energy of the x-ray photons.
For CT imaging a high KV (like?) and heavy beam filtration is used. Why?
X-ray attenuation depends on both the density and atomic number of materials and the energy of the x-ray photons.
For CT imaging a high KV (120-140) and heavy beam filtration is used. This minimizes the photoelectric interactions that are influenced by the Z of a material, therefore removing this dependence and leaving CT numbers to reflect tissue density.
CT numbers for:
■ Air =
■ Water =
■ Bone =
■ Air = -1000 HU
■ Water = 0 HU
■ Bone = 1000 HU
For CT imaging windowing does what?
● Windowing maximizes image contrast
○ Level- median HU value
○ Width- total number of HU from black to white
Multislice CT uses
Multislice CT uses cone-shaped beam with multiple rows of detectors
Common fundamental property of CT contrasts.
Two forms available (and their uses):
● Agent with very high HU to differentiate between soft tissues
● IV
○ Blood vessels and lymph nodes
○ Enhancing lesions that break down the blood brain barrier
● Oral
○ Differentiate bowel wall from adjacent soft tissues
Describe the XR heel effect:
Heel effect: Beam intensity lower on the anode side due to increased anode material needed to pass through. ‘self attenuation’
2 contributions to the x-ray spectrum produced by the tube (give percent and what they reflect):
Bremsstrahlung radiation (80%, due to kV) and characteristic x-rays (20% for tungsten, due to Z of material).
The dominant (by far) form of attenuation of XR diagnostic beams?
This attenuation is proportional to?
Photoelectric effect - photoelectric absorption is proportional to (Z/E)^3
Typical beam energies for diagnostic XR?
Why does this suit Iodine and barium contrast
Around 80KV
A beam at 80 kV will have an average x-ray energy near 30 keV(i.e 1/3 peak) - exactly the k-edge of iodine.
The dominant (by far) form of attenuation of XR diagnostic beams?
The implications for choosing KV? And the central trade-off of XR imaging?
The photoelectric effect is highly accentuated at the k-edge of a material; materials with k-edges in the relevant range include iodine and barium. The k-edges are typically at low energies, and the closer your x-ray energy is to the k-edge (as long as it is above it), the more likely a photoelectric event is to occur.
Thus, to improve contrast, decrease your x-ray energy (kV). However, this increases dose because more x-rays are absorbed by the patient so you need to send more x-rays through from the tube. This represents the central trade-off in x-ray imaging.