Principles of Flight Flashcards
The international standard atmosphere sets out….
Theoretical values for temperature, pressure and density at all levels
The lapse rate for ISA is
2 degrees for 1000 feet
The main constituents of the earths atmosphere are
Oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%) and Other 1%
The ratio of Nitrogen to Oxygen is
The troposphere is characterised by a…
decrease in temperature with increasing altitude
How is density related to pressure
Proportional to pressure
Inversely proportional to temperature
If the temperature of an air mass remains constant, increasing pressure will…
cause the density to increase
The coefficient of lift is at its maximum
just before the stall angle
If an aircraft doubles its speed (all other factors constant) its lift will
The angle of attack is measured between
The chord line and relative air flow
In normal flight, air flow over the top of a wing will
increase in speed
Induced drag ? as airspeed increases
In a stall where does flow separation begin
Upper surface trailing edge
A slat will …
Delay the stall until a higher angle of attack
Load factor is calculated by
Lift ÷ Weight
In a venturi tube
Static pressure reduces at the constriction
What is aircraft equilibrium
Lift = Weight Thrust = drag
What will happen to parasite drag with increased airspeed
it will increase
If Centre of Pressure is behind centre of gravity what couple is produced
a nose down
Movement around the lateral axis is called
Movement around the normal axis is called
What is an ailerons primary and secondary effects
Primary - roll
Secondary = yaw
Directional stability is provided by the
Differential ailerons minimise …..
Adverse yaw