Principle Of Training, Types Of Training, Training Thresholds Flashcards
Making your training relate to the sport or activity being performed
Progressive overload
Gradually increasing the amount of work so fitness gains occur
When an athlete stops or decreases training level so fitness declines,
-Lack of motivation
Boredom that can occur from training the same way every time
Progressive overload- FITT
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Circuit training
A series of exercises that are performed one after the other with rest in between. When you have completed all exercises you have completed 1 circuit
Continuous training
Training for a sustained amount of time without rest (aerobic)
Training thresholds
Aerobic and anaerobic
Aerobic training zone
When oxygen is present in the muscles. 60-80% of MHR
Anaerobic training zone
When no oxygen is present in the muscles, high intensity. 80-90% of MHR
Interval training/ HIIT
Involves alternating between high intensity work and low intensity rest
Fartlek training
Periods of fast intense work with periods of slow moderate work
Static stretching
Holding a stretch still for up to 30 seconds
Weight training
Use of weights to cause adaptations in the muscles
Plyometric training
High impact exercises that teach muscles to perform contractions faster