principle of health and fitness Flashcards
mideterm exam
A preoccupation with physical appearance would most likely be present in which eating disorder?
The correct answer is: body dysmorphia
According to one study, most people with eating disorders spend at least _________ hours a day thinking about food, weight, and body shape.
The correct answer is: 3.0
All of the following are primary contributors to eating disorders except
The correct answer is: theology
Binge eating, excessive exercise, fasting, vomiting, laxatives, and diuretics are all associated with which eating disorder?
The correct answer is: bulimia nervosa
Compulsive exercise would most likely be present in which eating disorder?
The correct answer is: anorexia athletica
Discolored teeth would most likely be present in which eating disorder?
The correct answer is: bulimia
Female athlete triad includes all of the following except
The correct answer is: anorexia athletica
Evidence suggests a relationship between eating disorders and
The correct answer is: depression
Female athlete triad syndrome is the combination of which three interrelated conditions associated with athletic training?
The correct answer is: osteoporosis, disordered eating, amenorrhea
In what age span do most eating disorders develop?
The correct answer is: 13 to 18
For which eating disorder do 1 in 10 cases end in death from starvation, suicide, or medical complications like heart disease or kidney failure?
The correct answer is: anorexia nervosa
Overuse of protein supplementation would most likely be present in which eating disorder?
The correct answer is: muscle dysmorphia
n designing a plan for a permanent lifestyle change, your objective should be simple, specific, detailed, and precise.
The correct answer is: True
The steps to writing a mission statement include all of the following except
The correct answer is: evaluating your strengths and weaknesses
Which family member do studies most often cite as a negative influence on eating disorders?
The correct answer is: mother
which of the following defines the contemplation stage of the transtheoretical model of stages of change?
The correct answer is: You recognize that a behavior change would be beneficial and decide to implement a change at some time in the distant future; no firm commitment is made.
Which of the following is not associated with anorexia nervosa?
The correct answer is: purging after consuming meals
Which of the following is not one of the psychological influences on the development of eating disorders?
The correct answer is: glorification of youth
Which of the following is the correct order of the stages in the transtheoretical model of stages of change?
The correct answer is: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
Which of the following statements is most true?
The correct answer is: a and b
“Creeping obesity” is the term given to the gradual increase in weight due to a decrease in metabolism and lack of physical activity over the lifespan.
The correct answer is: True
A simple walking program challenges people to take at least _______ steps each day.
The correct answer is: 10,000
According to the body mass index (BMI) guidelines, what is a normal range for BMI?
The correct answer is: 18.5 to 24.9
All three energy systems (oxidative, glycolytic, and ATP-PC) contribute to the production of energy but in different proportions.
The correct answer is: True
Approximately how many calories are needed to burn 1 pound of fat?
The correct answer is: 3,500 calories
Approximately how many calories per day does 1 pound (.45 kilograms) of muscle burn in a resting state?
The correct answer is: 30 to 40
Cardiorespiratory exercise is __________ physical activity that has the capacity to raise the heart rate to a level at which an aerobic benefit can occur.
The correct answer is: continuous
Hypertension is known as the silent killer.
The correct answer is: True
Insulin is produced in the pancreas to help take blood sugars into the muscles and liver.
The correct answer is: True
Michelle is 30 years old and is beginning an aerobic exercise regimen. What is her estimated maximum heart rate?
The correct answer is: 190 bpm
One pound of human fat (approximately half a kilogram) has how many calories?
The correct answer is: 3,500
Our bodies are constantly bone remodeling. The cells that break down bone are called ________.
The correct answer is: osteoclasts
Research suggests that exercise increases longevity.
The correct answer is: True
Set-point refers to
The correct answer is: a weight that is difficult for your body to change
The cells that rebuild bone are called ________.
The correct answer is: osteoblasts
The maximum duration of the oxidative energy system is
The correct answer is: more than 2 minutes
The primary reason that women do not experience muscle enlargement to the same degree that men do is that they have
The correct answer is: a different hormonal makeup
The typical duration of the ATP energy system working at maximal capacity is
The correct answer is: 10 seconds
The typical duration of the glycolytic energy system working at maximal capacity is
The correct answer is: 1 to 2 minutes
Three types of human muscle include all of the following except
The correct answer is: Tongue
Vigorous nighttime exercise within 3-4 hours of going to bed may improve sleep quality.
Vigorous nighttime exercise within 3-4 hours of going to bed may improve sleep quality.
What is the minimum range of a target heart rate zone?
The correct answer is: 55 to 65
What percentage of Americans are overweight or obese?
The correct answers are: 45%, 70%
Which strength test best measures muscular endurance?
The correct answer is: 1-minute sit-up test
Which of the following terms best describes increases in muscle size?
The correct answer is: hypertrophy