True or False: Risk groups equate with Biosafety Levels.
True or False: The different mitigation procedures to be employed depend on the result of a robust risk assessment.
In the Select Agent Regulations, ?
agents are materials that pose the greatest risk of deliberate misuse.
Tier 1
is a system or process to control safety and security risks associated with the handling or storage and disposal of biological agents and toxins in laboratories and facilities.
Biorisk Management
is the process of determining, subjectively, whether a risk is high or low, and whether it’s acceptable or not
Risk Evaluation
The ? or its alternative is a safety equipment used for decontamination of infectious specimens prior to disposal in a BSL-2 laboratory.
True or False: PPEs are controls used to eliminate hazards.
is the reevaluation of the overall mitigation strategies.
Performance Evaluation
True or False: School laboratories are classified as BSL-2 laboratories.
is a source or object that can cause harm
The acronym “ABSA” stands for
American Biological Safety Association
Among the hazards in the laboratory, abbreviated as CBRNE, B stands for ? hazards.
What is the biosecurity regulations for bioscience facilities in Singapore?
Biological Agents and Toxins Act
is the process of identifying the hazards and evaluating the risks associated with biological agents and toxins, taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risks are acceptable.
are technical documents that describe the hazardous properties of a human pathogen and provide recommendations for work involving these agents in a laboratory setting.
Pathogen Safety Data Sheets
The first edition of the Laboratory Biosafety Manual was published in the year
Laboratory biosafety as defined by WHO refers to “the
“. (consider the exact definition including punctuation marks as stated in our reference book)
containment principles, technologies, and practices that are implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their accidental release
True or False: Around the world, biosecurity implementation has become a purely political activity based on a government-developed checklist.
is the most difficult but the most effective control measures
controls refer to physical changes to work stations, equipment, materials, production facilities, or any other relevant aspect of the work environment that reduce or prevent exposure to hazards.
is a laboratory classification where work with microorganisms is conducted in a BSL-2 laboratory with biosafety practices and procedures typically found at BSL-3
What is the biosecurity regulations for bioscience facilities in Japan?
Infectious Disease Control Law
The acronym “EBSA” stands for
European Biological Safety Association
The abbreviation “NBF” stands for
National Biosafety Framework
Risk Group 2 organisms causes ? individual risk but ? community risk.
moderate, limited
What is the organism most commonly used in biological pesticides that can be used as a substitute for Bacillus anthracis.
Bacillus thuringienesis
The DOH-LTO is valid for
one (1) year
True or False: The primary laboratory has clinical and anatomic pathology.
True or False: The analytic phase deals with the actual testing of the submitted/collected specimen.
True or False: Provision of toilets and other amenities for staff (e.g. lockers, lounge, pantry and changing room) shall be located inside the clinical working area to prevent contamination.
deals with the analysis of certain genes, proteins and other molecules in samples from organs, tissues or bodily fluids in order to diagnose disease and/or to guide the prevention and treatment of disease based on the principles, techniques and tools of molecular biology as they are applied to diagnostic medicine in the laboratory.
Molecular Biology
True or False: Floors in the clinical working area shall be seamless and self-coving to a height of 6 inches towards the wall.
If, upon assessment, the laboratory is not fully compliant with the licensing requirements, the laboratory must comply with the deficiencies within ?Otherwise, the application shall automatically be denied.
thirty (30) days
Routine urinalysis and fecalysis are performed in the section.
Clinical Microscopy
is a specialized section of the laboratory that combines anatomical, clinical, and biochemical techniques where antibodies (monoclonal and polyclonal) bounded to enzymes and fluorescent dyes are used to detect presence of antigens in tissue.
What is the designated NRL-EQAS for Hematology and Coagulation?
National Kidney and Transplant Institute
refers to diagnostic testing done at or near the site of patient care rather than in the clinical laboratory.
Point of Care Testing
True or False: In the post-analytic phase, variables that may affect the test results are present in the preparation of the request slip for the patient until the sample is transported to and processed in the clinical laboratory.
refers to an extension of the main Clinical Laboratory located within the facility’s compound or premises. It shall have the same service capability as the main laboratory.
Satellite Clinical Laboratory
The ? section is intended for the testing of blood and other body fluids to quantify essential soluble chemicals including waste products useful for the diagnosis of certain diseases.
Clinical Chemistry
refers to a doctor’s office/clinic wherein CL examinations are performed for the purpose of monitoring the doctor’s patients only, wherein NO official results shall be issued
Physician’s Office Laboratory
section deals with the enumeration of cells in the blood and other body fluids (e.g., CSF, pleural fluid, etc.).
Hematology and Coagulation Studies
Clinical Laboratory with revoked licenses can only re-apply after ? from the date of LTO revocation.
1 year
True or False: Submitted complete applications that are not processed within fifteen (15) days by the HFSRB/CHD-RLED, in accordance with the current DOH guidelines, due to force majeure, shall automatically be granted the LTO, and a post-licensing visit shall be scheduled
True or False: The floor-to-ceiling height of rooms containing biosafety cabinet and fume hoods shall be at least 2.60 meters.