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Edward Cox, 1871
Spiritualism Answered by Science
characteristic of this scientizing approach. Launched the influential concept of ‘psychic force’ which was conceptualized as a scientifically acceptable alternative to the Spiritualist hypothesis that mediumistic phenomena were caused by the activity of the disembodied spirits of the dead. Psychic force wsa ‘natural’, connected to the biological organism
Gurney (with Myers and Podmore), 1886
Phantasms of the Living:
- Mainly Gurney’s work
- Attempted to examine all classes of cases where there is reason to suppose that the mind of one human being has affected the mind of another, without speech utered, or word written, or sign made
- Thousands of case stories of paranormal events, mostly apparitions of the dead, impossible communications between minds over large distances, strange meaningful coincidences, and eerie premonitions of impending crises
- Sheer magnitude of the survey suggested experiences SPR was interested in were v common
- Editors made attempt to apply probability analyses of likelihood that these cases were due to chance. These analyses deeply flawed even for the period, amounting to absurd figures
- Launched hypothesis that crisis-induced experiences of seeing the newly departed loved ones or learning of an accident far away just before or as it happens, were result of spontaneous ‘thought-transference’
- Apparitions were phantasms of the living rather than dead
- Theory of mental action across vast distances became major heuristic for early work of the SPR
- ‘the odds against the occurrence, by accident, of as many coincidences of the type in question … are about a thousand billion trillion trillion trillions to 1’.
- ‘[t]he argument for thought-transference … cannot be expressed here in figures, as it requires 167 nines – that is, the probability is far more than the ninth power of a trillion to 1’.
Myers, 1903
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death:
- Subliminal self = source of genius.
- Curious work of romantic, ‘gothic psychology’ (James)
- When hypnotised, subject typically lost the power to choose his own actions freely. His central, controlling will became subject to commands. Memory proved to be fragmented. Phenomena of alternating memory characterized not just severely disturbed mental patients but presumably normal ppl as well
- Multiple lvls of consciousness not pathological (dissociation). They equipped individual for life as much as fingers and toes, tho more difficult to investigate.
- Never reduced subliminal strata to anything like precision. Beneath waking consciousness, hypnotic stratum and stratum of dream and confusion. Beneath these, Stratum of coherent mentation. No clear lines of demarcation
- The subliminal consciousness cld receive info through channels, e.g. telepathy and clairvoyance, that were inaccessible to the supraliminal, which was restricted to sensory modes of perception
- Subliminal and supraliminal cld exchange info, however. This helped him explain range of psychical phenomena.
- ‘Nunciative’ - message-bearing - automatisms. Mrs Piper and Mrs Thompson - w these he confirmed that spirit survives death of physical body. Satisfied himself that spirit presence controlled their automatisms
- Believed subliminal consciousness cld travel considerable distances
- Spirit contact = part of the normal in human behaviour bc spirit exists in man (he wrote in connection w Mrs Thomas)
Not well received by Spiritualists - review in Light - They wanted a whole series of personal testimonies to survival, not the carefully graded and analyzed examples of abnormal psychology that Myers provided
William James, 1902
Varieties of Religious Experience:
draws considerably on Myers’ theory of genius, and rests, as James himself pointed out at the end of the book, on Myers’ notion of the subliminal self
In particular this discovery of a consciousness existing beyond the field, or subliminally as Mr. Myers terms it, casts light on many phenomena of religious biography. That is why I have to advert to it now, although it is naturally impossible for me in this place to give you any account of the evidence on which the admission of such a consciousness is based. You will find it set forth in many recent books, Binet’s Alterations of Personality122 being perhaps as good a one as any to recommend.
The most important consequence of having a strongly developed ultra-marginal life of this sort is that one’s ordinary fields of consciousness are liable to incursions from it of which the subject does not guess the source, and which, therefore, take for him the form of unaccountable impulses to act, or inhibitions of action, of obsessive ideas, or even of hallucinations of sight or hearing. The impulses may take the direction of automatic speech or writing, the meaning of which the subject himself may not understand even while he utters it; and generalizing this phenomenon, Mr. Myers has given the name of automatism, sensory or motor, emotional or intellectual, to this whole sphere of effects, due to “uprushes” into the ordinary consciousness of energies originating in the subliminal parts of the mind.
Myers on the SPR’s mission (Human Personality, 1903)
‘It is my object’, Myers wrote, ‘as it has from the first been the object of the Society for Psychical Research’, to do what can be done to break down that artificial wall of demarcation which has thus far excluded from scientific treatment precisely the problems which stand in most need of all the aids to discovery which such treatment can afford’
Myers on supernatural/ supernormal (Human Pers, 1903)
The word supernatural is open to grave objections; it assumes that there is something outside nature, and it has become associated with arbitrary interference with law. Now there is no reason to suppose that the psychical phenomena with which we deal are less a part of nature, or less subject to fixed and definite law, than any other phenomena
McDougall, 1927
‘Psychical Research as a University Study’:
Any opposition to psychical research, McDougall argued, must arise from narrow dogmatic ignorance, that higher kind of ignorance which so often goes with a wealth of scientific knowledge, the ignorance which permits a man to lay down dogmatically the boundaries of our knowledge and to exclaim “ignorabimus.” This cry – “we shall not, cannot know!” – is apt to masquerade as scientific humility, while, in reality, it expresses an unscientific arrogance and philosophic incompetence
What McDougall attacks is the kind of agnosticism that withdraws “the supernatural” from the “natural”, and states dogmatically (or by recourse to the a priori) that the former is by definition unreachable, ineffable, and transcendent
clear that McDougall was employing a “more scientific than thou”-tactic against his academic opponents. ‘Dogmatic agnosticism’, on his reading, already assumed a conclusion to the very questions which psychical research wanted to ask (Asprem)
Alfred Russell Walace, 1866
Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural:
- miracles had no place in modern science
- argued for ‘an experimental enquiry by men of science into the alleged powers of clairvoyants and mediums’
- there should be no objections in principle against the postulation of intelligences beyond the ordinary knowledge sphere of humanity.
- discovery of Foraminifera, ‘those structureless gelantinous organisms which exhibit so many of the higher phenomena of animal life without any of that differentiation of parts’ deemed essential for life, made possible the existence of ‘sentient beings unrecognisable by our senses’
Oliver Lodge, 1925
Ether & Reality: A Series of Discourses on the Many Functions of the Ether of
Lodge’s concept of “ether bodies” was especially designed to create a space within the natural world where spiritual activity could take place without being contrary to natural law. His system suggested that all mental activity and all animation of life in fact happens through the ether, and that one might therefore expect to find disembodied mental and vital activity on the etheric plane – sometimes interacting with ordinary tangible matter
James, 1909
“Confidences of a Psychical Researcher”, American Magazine:
These men [the founders of the SPR] hoped that if the material were treated rigorously, and,
as far as possible, experimentally, objective truth would be elicited, and the subject rescued
from sentimentalism on the one side and dogmatizing ignorance on the other. Like all
founders, Sidgwick hoped for a certain promptitude of result; and I heard him say, the year before his death, that if anyone had told him at the outset that after twenty years he would
be in the same identical state of doubt and balance that he started with, he would have
deemed the prophecy incredible. It appeared impossible that that amount of handling
evidence should bring so little finality of decision.
My own experience has been similar to Sidgwick’s. For twenty-five years I have been in
touch with the literature of psychical research, and have had acquaintance with numerous
“researchers”. I have also spent a good many hours (though far fewer than I ought to have
spent) in witnessing (or trying to witness) phenomena. Yet I am theoretically no “further”
than I was at the beginning
there is a continuum of
cosmic consciousness, against which our individuality builds but accidental fences, and into
which our several minds plunge as into a mother-sea or reservoir. Our “normal”
consciousness is circumscribed for adaptation to our external earthly environment, but the
fence is weak in spots
Assuming this common reservoir of consciousness to exist, this bank upon which we all draw, and in which so many of earth’s memories must in some way be stored, or mediums would not get at them as they do, the question is, What is its own structure? What is its inner topography? This question, first squarely formulated by Myers, deserves to be called “Myers’
problem” by scientific men hereafter
James, 1901
‘Frederic Myers’ Service to Psychology’, SPR Journal
he found it very probable ‘that Frederic Myers will always be remembered in psychology as the pioneer who staked out a vast tract of mental wilderness and planted the flag of genuine science upon it.’
Driesch, 1926
‘Psychical Research and Philosophy’
observed the fragmentation of psychical research
there is not one Parapsychology but there are several Parapsychologies, which may one day unite into one, there being several groups of psychic phenomena which, at first in any case, are as different from one another as, e.g., chemistry is from optics.
1927, The Case For and Against Psychical Belief (in Asprem)
fourteen essays distributed in four categories.
the “convinced” group was dominated by those who advocated qualitative methodologies, based largely on the observation of mediums during séances, or at best the testing against external evidence of “psychic” information that could only be obtained in such situations
middle category of those who were convinced of the rarity of genuine phenomena. This category is important, for here we find a class of researchers who claimed to value the scientific method just as much as the unconvinced experimentalist, yet still thought that some phenomena were genuine, while others were not. It is notable, though, that the men in this class – McDougall, Driesch, Prince, and Schiller
professionalization of parapsychology emerged precisely from this class
Rhine, Extra-Sensory Perception, 1934
introduced yet another new set of scientific nomenclature, made a new taxonomy of effects, described methodological protocols, provided fresh interpretation of earlier research, and, above all, presented the results of years of quantitative experiments that seemed to yield an overwhelmingly positive verdict. Furthermore, the research it presented had been funded through a university budget, carried out in the psychology department of the newly established Duke University in North Carolina.
Stanton and Anthony, 1880s (began to be published, in volumes, in 1881)
History of Woman Suffrage
‘The only religious sect in this world… that has recognized the equality of woman is the Spirtiualists’
Medium historian Emma Hardinge Britten
wondered whether the movement benefitted more from the zealous enthusiasm of its admirers of the bitter persecution of its antagonists, as the latter sometimes generated more publicity
The Civil War added 2 million new believers to Spiritualism
American Booksellers Guide
sale of Spiritualist books is as steady as of books in any other department of the trade, and they should not be overlooked by the bookseller - Spiritualist publications = 50,000 books and 50,000 pamphlets every yr
Andrew Jackson Davis, 1851
The Philosophy of Spiritual Intercourse:
- provided instructions for the formation of circles that became basis for much Spiritualist practice. A
- Anti-Calvinist philosophy. Calvin - predestination, most predestined to Hell
The Herald of Progress
- Davis’s newspaper, estab 1860 bc of frustration at neutrality of Banner over issues e.g. abolition
- described fatal outcome of Irish woman’s Catholic beliefs about fate of unbaptized infants - reported the poor victim of superstition committed suicide after giving birth to a stillborn child because she was ‘so afflicted by her conception of its probably destiny because unbaptized’
- Davis condemned the Protestant failure to actively refute this Catholic doctrine.
- claimed Dress reform will eradicate the worst slavery of American women
Andrew Jackson Davis, 1845
Lectures on Clairmativeness
- inspired by Swedenborg
- Davis - six celestial spheres of increasing harmony, beauty and wisdom, based on cosmology of Swedenborg (but w/o the Hells). Those who died young wld mature in heaven. Spirits assured bereaved parents that heaven provided ‘suitable arrangements’ for care of infants
Equals Rights is my motto
Medium Elizabeth Kingsbury, 1857
The Spirit Messenger and Harmonial Guide
announced the 1851 Woman’s Righs Convention, calling it ‘the most important reform issue of the day’
Trance Speaker Warren Chase
member of the Wisconsin legislature in early 1850s
slavery of women was deeper and more lasting than that of Negroes in the hearts and prejudices of the people
Minutes of a large Spiritualist convention held in Chicago, 1865
First speaker from the floor spoke in favour of the elective frachise for woman, as the foundation of all future guarantees of rights
Mrs Luxina Tuttle, 1855
The Clairvoyant Family Physician.
Spiritualist health advice
Banner of Light
- Boston Spiritualist newspaper
- sponsored a public free circle at its offices and published the communications received there in its pages each week.
- printed a lively series of articles in which dress reformers advocated Riding Astride as a healthful and appropriate activity for women and discussed what women shld wear when they did it.
Mary Eddy, Science and Health
criticised Spiritualism as materialistic
Henri Bergson, 1913 presidential address to SPR
‘It is the essence of the things of the mind not to lend themselves to measurement’
Allan Kardec, 1857
Le Livre des Esprits:
- launched organised spirit movement in France
- Concept of perispirit - physical fluidic envelope that acted as intermedicate substance between material and spiritual natures of human.
- Spirit progressed through reincarnation, moving closer to moral perfection repd by God
- Another revelation in line w Judeo-Christian tradition. Compatible w Christianity - numerous instances of mediumship and spirit phenomena in Bible
- Supernatural = force of nature yet to be properly understood
- Experimental proof of soul’s survival
- ‘scientific’ - sci knowl cld respond to questions of moral or metaphys importance
- Degrees of materiality.
- Wary of how science threatened to undermine moral concepts rooted in religious belief
- before God created the material universe, there existed an immaterial monde spirite peopled by primitive, disembodied souls. God created the material world to provide these souls with a means of perfecting themselves. In order to reach an ultimate goal of transcendent understanding and moral purity, each soul had to endure a long string of incarnations on various planets. These incarnations served an expiatory function—every life lived entailed a set of tests that, if successfully passed, brought the soul closer to perfection
- Earth was near the bottom of this planetary hierarchy. On more elevated planets, like Jupiter, social organization was more just, individuals were more enlightened
- Kardec and the spirits he quoted used the Golden Rule as the basis for a fundamentally social conception of morality.
- Material inequality in human society, served a cosmic purpose: The poor suffered more because they had more errors from previous lives to atone for.
- soul had no sex, but also asserted that male and female bodies were suited for different social functions
- a man’s “physical organization” rendered him incapable of dispensing the kind of love a mother could, just as a woman’s rendered her incapable of inhabiting the public worlds of science or politics
- ideal society, according to Kardec, acknowledged and accepted this immutable difference, granting women equality “of rights,” but not “of functions.”
- Scientists discovered organisms in a drop of pond water by using a microscope, Kardec wrote; Spiritists discovered the mysteries of the beyond by using mediums to contact the souls of the dead.
- In the living, the périsprit manifested itself as the “vital fluid” that animated the body; in the dead, it served as a physical envelope for the wandering soul. According to Kardec, the périsprit gave disembodied spirits the ability to produce tangible phenomena. By channeling their “vital fluid” through a receiver—the medium—they could act in the material world. In Kardec’s view, therefore, spirit phenomena were not supernatural because they did not involve a divine suspension of the laws of nature. Instead, these manifestations were direct consequences of human physiology
- This book presented as watershed in human history
by 1874, had been through 22 editions. At least 48,000 in circluation
This book = clear, simple, short segments.
Ordinarily, when spirits spoke in books like these, they tended to do so in a florid, oracular style.
Chevreul 1854
revisits experiments he had made public in 1833 open letter
Muscular activity observed = effect of faith - long as believed movement of the pendulum in hand was possible, it moved
Prove how easy it is to mistake illusions for reality.
Necessity of studying influence of thoughts on own organs
Janet, Pierre, 1889
L’Automatisme psychologique:
- cited Phantasms of the Living (1886), Myers, Gurney, Podmore.
- methods mainly those of natural history
- historical sketch of spiritism, ending around 1882
this was the moment when the spiritists retreated from their nearly scientific descriptions of the physical and moral conditions of the séance found in the earlier literature into arguments over esoteric doctrine
La Revue Philosophique
Ribot = editor
import Psychology publication - dignified articles that took phenomenon of spiritism as matter of serious scientific inquiry. Laid important groundwork for research on mediumism
In absence of French organization comparable to the British SPR, La Revue gave discussion to mediumism and somnambulism in a context that allowed contributors to reinforce claims of its relevance to scientific study
Pierre Janet, 1901
Allocution de M Pierre Janet, Bulletin de l’Institut Psychologique International, May 1901:
Institut Psychologique will find itself faced w dilemma. Either will neglect the truly scientific work w long-term payoffs in order to satisfy the publc and draw financial contributions, throwing itself into passionate and irresolvable issues and immediately losing its good reputation among scientists, or it will favour serious physiological, psychological or clinical studies in order to please men of science and incite the great displeasure of the public, quickly alienating its discouraged subscribers. It will be honourable but poor, and since there is significance only by virtue of fortune, it will be once again completely useless
Richet, 1922
Traité de métapsychique:
- face of a young woman, extremely pretty, one could say beautiful, with a sort of golden band of a diadem covering her blond hair.” 77 The next day Richet found himself in the bedroom of Mme Noël, who had been taken ill, and thought he saw a vaporous form in the adjacent water closet. When he approached, the form seemed to dissolve, but Richet admitted in his account that “my memory concerning this instance is rather confused.”
- the other sciences do not suffer from the same plague… A single preoccupation, intense and anxiety ridden, invades my every thought - do everything to prevent being duped - I can think of nothing but this. One must always have in one’s mind the dominating, obsessive idea that the medium is trying to trick you
Janet found troubling Richet’s effort to establish the reality of a particular class of phenomena by giving innumerable examples, none of which was described in sufficient detail.
Le Bon, 1911
Les Opinions et les croyances:
Taking the hypothetical case of the “very skeptical” scientist who decides to undertake an experimental study of phenomena produced by “occultists,” Le Bon traces the process by which rationality is overturned by belief. Entering into a circle of true believers, the only place where such phenomena are produced, the scientist finds himself waiting attentively in a darkened room for noises, moving furniture, luminescence, and materializations.
Lets guard down. Fraudulence goes unnoticed
Flournoy, 1900
From India to the Planet Mars:
had an advantage over other approaches to psychical research in that it emphasized the affective dimensions of the medium’s representations as opposed to the objectivity that was so often at issue in the field (Brower)
left out consideration of his relationship to Smith’s past lives. Reluctance to take into account the intersubjective dimensions of the séances
Arthur Conan Doyle, The New Revelation, 1919
- 1899, American medium Leonora Piper delivered message in trance state, recorded by Richard Hodgson of SPR, predicting great war
SPR - will admit that the latter makes
one impatient at times
I read that mon-
umental book, Myers’ Human Personality,
a great root book from which a whole tree
of knowledge will grow.
The lower
cannot ascend, but the higher can descend at
will. The life has a close analogy to that of
this world at its best. It is pre-eminently a
life of the mind, as this is of the body
Doyle’s efforts for spiritualism helped transform it into ‘beautiful faith’
Heuzé, 1924
L’Énigme mètapsychique, La Revue de Paris:
- Heuzé crit lack of detail (e.g. dates) in Flammarion’s Autour de la mort
- Heuzé called his method ‘historical’. Pointed out inconsistencies. Comparing/ corroborating
- H challenged ability of researchers to make phenomena of mediumism transparent
Nordmann, 1922
Les Mystères de l’ectoplasme, La Revue des Deux Mondes:
Between the illustrious and respectable scientist and the phenomenon there are others interposed: there is the medium and the other participants. It is not Crookes alone who produces, by experimentation, ectoplasm, it is this collective personality called “Crookes-the medium-the participants”
mediated quality of the experience produced insurmountable conditions of indeterminac
Punch, 1926
showing Doyle chained to a chair, his head wreathed by clouds, while Sherlock Holmes stands nearby deep in troubled thought, is a good measure of the public’s reaction (Cadwallader)
“Frontispiece.” The Spiritual Magazine, 1866
Spiritualism aims “through a careful reverent
study of facts, at a knowledge of the laws and principles which govern the occult forces of the universe; of the relations of spirit to matter, and of man to God and the Spiritual world”
“The only good that I can see in the demonstration of the truth of ‘Spiritualism’ is to furnish an additional argument against suicide. Better live a crossing-sweeper than die and be made to talk twaddle by a ‘medium’ hired at a guinea a seance.”
Leigh Hunt, 1928
The Story of the Marylebone Spiritualist Association:
- stated there was less social stigma attached to Spiritualism, partly due to investigations and influence of the SPR
Myers, letter to James
probably fewer than 20 workers in the world in this strange field w only James and Hodgson in America
Swedenborg, 1758
Heaven and Hell:
begin of movement away from conception of heaven as forbiddingly ascetic, distant from earth. Modern notion of heaven. Realm hardly separate and different - except in perfection - from earth itself
Man after death is as much man as he was before so much so as to be unaware that he is still not in the former world… death is only a crossing.
Hell becomes less and less a subject of worry and dread
Humanized and personalized the spiritual world.
All spirits = at one time inhabitants of some earth in the universe. World of the spirits = midway between heaven and hell
All inhabs = young and beautiful
Angelic humans live lives v much as ppl do. Opportunity to realise their deepest loves - writing, painting, gardening
Destiny in afterlife is chosen by the individual. It is product of life-time.
Every angel is able to progress and devel their love to eternity
Faust - these teachings widely-circulated in 19th C US
Warned against contact with spirits
three heavens, three hells, interim place - world of the spirits
Tuttle and Peebles, 1871
The Year-book of Spiritualism:
- among investigators we may number divines, logicians, and teachers, physicians and lawyers, men of note, statesmen
Conceptual roots of Spiritualism:
- Rationalism (philosophically)
- Naturalism (scientifically)
- Love of God and humanity, purity of intention and human heart (Religiously)
Oliver Lodge, 1916
pain almost negligible in view of the service which it is legitimate to hope may thus be rendered to mourners, if they can derive comfort by learning that communication across the gulf is possible
main object of a book like this is to help to bring
comfort to bereaved persons, especially to those who have
been bereaved by war
To base so momentous a conclusion as a scientific
demonstration of human survival on any single instance.
if it were not sustained on all sides by a great consensus
of similar evidence, would doubtless be unwise ; for
some other explanation of a merely isolated case would
have to be sought. But we are justified in examining
the evidence for any case of which all the details are
known, and in trying to set forth the truth of it as completely and fairly as we may.
6 editions in just over a month. Two editions a yr for the rest of the war.
Flammarion to Abbé Berillo, priest who had been his childhood confessor
Through automatic writing, he had received messages from the spirits of Fénélon and Galileo, who had provided numerous cosmological insights
I study Spiritism as I study mathematics.”
Achille Cherreau, May 1853
Le Siècle, the most widely circulated daily newspaper of the period:
Whatever skeptics might think, Cherreau wrote, “this phenomenon exists; it is there, it can be seen, it can be touched, its character leaves no room for serious illusions.” Readers were wrong to consider the tables tournantes to be farfetched, Cherreau argued. The nineteenth century had already proved to be remarkably “fertile in brilliant discoveries”—this new human ability to move objects spontaneously, with negligible physical effort, was merely the latest in the long string of scientific advances that had come to characterize the age. If mankind had been able to create the steam engine and the hot-air balloon, why should it not have the capacity to animate “inert bodies” with the force of will alone?