Primary Drugs Flashcards
Trade Name: Valium; Class: benzodiazepine
GABA potentiator class; affect the GABAa receptors and depress the system by activating Cl- influx channels
Trade Name: Lidoderm, Recticare, Xylocaine; Local anesthetic
Use dependent Na sodium blocker. Na channel blockers that inhibit the transmission of the AP potential
Trade Name: Carbocaine; Local Anesthetic
Na ion blocker
Trade Name: Novacaine; Local Anesthetic
Use dependent Na sodium blocker; even if its derivative of opioids -> not necessarily use the same pathway
Trade Name: TetraVisc; Local Anesthetic
Na ion blocker
Trade Name: Rimadyl; NSAID
Inhibitory of PG production; Antagonist of the COX enzyme that makes the PG’s
Trade Name: Deramaxx; NSAID
Inhibitory of PG production PGE2
Trade Name: Neurontin; Analgesic
GABAa agonist; Hyperpolarizes the cell by activating the Cl- channels and causing Cl- influx
Trade Name: Phenobarbital; Barbiturate
GABAa potentiators -> augment the time the channel is open. Thus, reducing excitability of the neuronal cells.
Trade Name: Thibarbital; Barbiturate
Act on the GABA channels to depress the system
Trade Name: Acetylcholine; Cholinergic Transmitter
Act on nicotinic channels
Trade Name: Pyridostigmine; Cholinesterase Inhibitor
Inhibit the enzyme for breakdown of ACh
Trade Name: Quelicin, Anectine; Depolarizing Nicotinic Blocker; meaning it desensitize the nitcotinic receptor to prevent it from reacting to Ach
Nicotinic receptors in the muscle are inhibited.
Trade Name: Ketalar; Glutamate Receptor Antagonist
Blocks the NMDA receptor to prevent AP from propagating above the AMPA and kainute receptor
Trade Name: Tracrium; NON-depolarizing muscle nicotinic antagonist; prevents the transmission of AP potentials to muscle cells by blocking the channels available.
Trade Name: Pavulon; NON-depolarizing muscle nicotinic antagonist.
Part of the ammonia steroids, non depolarizing agents. Act on post-junctional nicotine comes receptors.
Trade Name: Levophed; Neurotransmitter & Adrenergic Antagonist -> vasonconstricts both peripheral and visceral blood vessels and only increases blood pressure but not perfusion;
Act on both a and b receptors of the SYMP system
Pralidoxime (2-PAM)
Trade Name: Protopram; OP Reversal Agent
Disloges the organophosphate from the acetylcholinesterase enzyme in the system.
Trade Name: Avinza, Duramorph, Atramorph; Opioid
Act on opioid receptors within the central nervous system.
Trade Name: Ultram, ConZip, Ryzolt; Opioid
Act on Opioid receptors;
Trade Name: Dantrium; Ryanodine Receptor Antagonist
Local inhibitor of the channels in the muscular contraction; prevents the action of the ryannodine channel and the release of intracellular calcium
Trade Name: Dexdomitor; Sedative, alpha2 adrenergic Agonist
Depresses the CNS by down regulation of the innervation in the CNS;
Activates the following ways: G-coupled protein -> Gi -> adenylyl cyclase -> decrease in cAMP -> inhibits the K+ efflux which subsequently prevents Ca2+ and release of the neurotransmitter.
Trade Name: Antisedan; Alpha-2 competitive antagonist
Reversal by blocking the negative feedback done by the neurotransmitter in the periphery.
Trade Name: Tensilon; Acts on the acetylcholinesterase and blocks its action -> shortest acting.
Trade Name: Atropine; antagonist of Ach on all M receptors of the system. In respiratory, IT BLOCKS the M3: G-coupled protein -> Gi protein -> Phospholipase C -> IP3 and DAG release -> elevation of Ca2+ -> smooth muscle contraction.
Trade Name: Plavix; ADP receptor antagonist.
Flunixin Meglumin
Trade Name: Banamine; NSAID