Primary Assessment Flashcards
What is the first step in primary assessment?
Chief Complaint: what is the patients biggest concern
What is the second step during primary survey?
SMR (spinal motion restriction): is it needed as you conduct your assessment?
What is the third step during primary survey?
level of responsiveness:
A: alert
V: verbal
P: pain
U: unresponsive
What is the fourth step in primary survey?
A: airway
B: breathing
C: circulation
What is the fifth step of primary assessment?
Rapid body survey: skin(shock), major bleeding, obvious injuries
What is the sixth step of primary assessment?
General impression: what are your most urgent concerns at this point?
What are you looking for when checking airway?
If the airway is clear
When do you put in an OPA?
If the patient is unresponsive while checking the airway
What are checking for when you’re checking breathing?
O2 needed?
Assisted vents?
What are you checking for the when checking circulation?
Radial pulse
Cap refill
What should you check after moving a patient?
A: airway
B: breathing
C: circulation
What are the ten steps of primary assessment?
Chief Complaint
Spinal Motion Restriction
Level of responsiveness
Rapid body survey
General impression
Critical interventions
Initial Transport decision
Patient positioning
Reassess and communicate
What are the ten steps of primary assessment?
Chief Complaint
Spinal Motion Restriction
Level of responsiveness
Rapid body survey
General impression
Critical interventions
Initial Transport decision
Patient positioning
Reassess and communicate
What is the seventh step of primary assessment?
Critical interventions: quickly find and manage obvious life threatening problems. Treat for shock
What is the eighth step in the primary assessment?
Initial transport decision: rapid or delayed transport/relocation. Continue/discontinue SMR
What is the 9th step of primary assessment?
Patient positioning: position of comfort/position to monitor vitals/recovery position
What is the tenth step of primary assessment?
Reassess and communicate: continuously reassess. Check ABC’s after movement.
When do you treat for shock or other major life threatening situations during primary assessment?
Step 7: Critical interventions
When do you decide if you should continue or discontinue SMR during primary assessment?
Step 8: initial transport decision
What are the 4 catagories of the patient assessment model?
Scene assessment
Primary assessment
Second assessment
Ongoing assessment
What are the 4 catagories of the patient assessment model?
Scene assessment
Primary assessment
Second assessment
Ongoing assessment