Primary 1 Flashcards
TOT Limits (FLI, Temp, Time)
FLI Temp Time
Max TOT Starting 8.5 785C -
Starting Transient 11 865 5s
AEO Limits (FLI, Torque, Time)
T/O Power Range 8.5-10 71-88% 5min
Max T/O Power 10 88% 5min
Transient 10.5 97% 12s
OEI Limits (FLI, Torque, Time)
FLI Torque Time
OEI MCP 11 91.5% -
2.5min Power 12 125% 2.5min
OEI Transient 14 140% 12s
Engine Starter Time Limits Battery & EPU
Battery: 30s - 60s - 30s - 60s - 30s - 30min
EPU: 20s - 60s - 20s - 60s - 20s - 30min
Engine Ventilation Time Limits Battery & EPU
Battery: 20s - 60s - 20s - 23min
EPU: 15s - 60s - 15s - 23min
Engine Oil Pressure
Caution: 1.3 - 1.5 bar
Continuous: 1.5 - 5 bar
Engine Oil min. power application & max. temperature limits
3 cSt & 3.9 cSt: -10 C
5 cSt: 0 C
Max: 115 C
Main transmission oil pressure
Caution range: 1 - 1.5 bar
Continuous: 1.5 - 5 bar
Main transmission oil temperature continuous operation & max
Continuous: -10 C - 105 C
Maximum: 105 C
Rotor RPM Conditions & Indications
NRO =< 95%: steady light & low pitch beeping
NRO >= 106%: flashing light & warning gong
NRO >= 110%: flashing light & steady high pitch tone
Land immediately/ ASAP/ as practicable
The urgency of landing is paramount. Primary consideration is to assure survival of the occupants. Landing in water, trees or other unsafe areas should be considered only as last resort.
Land without delay at the nearest adequate site at which a safe approach and landing can be made.
The landing site and duration of flight are at the discretion of the pilot. Extended flight beyond the nearest approved landing area where appropriate assistance can be expected is not recommended.
Single Engine Emergency Shutdown
- Twist grip (affected engine) - Rotate slowly to IDLE, check indications, then to off
- Rotor speed - trim to max
Double Engine Emergency Shutdown
On Ground
1. Both Twist grips - OFF
2. Both fuel pump prime sw - OFF
3. BAT MSTR sw - OFF
In Flight
1. Both Twist grips - OFF
If there is an indication that engines are still running:
2. Both EMER OFF sw - Press
- Collective - Lower to maintain NRO within limits
- Airspeed - 75 KIAS recommended
- Double Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
Fire (ENG 1 or ENG 2)
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Airspeed - Reduce if >100 KIAS
- Fire sw (affected engine) - Raise guard, press
- BOT 1/BOT 2 pb - Press, bottle 1 activates, EXT indicator light comes on (EMER OFF sw pln)
- Stopwatch - Start (after BOT 1 & EXT indication has come off (EMER OFF sw pnl))
- Affected engine - Identify
- Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
- Land as soon as possible
If Fire warning still on after 1min:
9. BOT 1/BOT 2 pb - Press, bottle 2 activates, EXT indicator light comes on (EMER OFF sw pnl)
If Fire warning remains on:
10. Land immediately
ENG CHIP (System 1 or 2)
On Ground
1. Affected engine - Identify
2. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
In Flight
1. OEI flight condition - Establish
2. Affected engine - Identify
1. Alternative:
3. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
2. Alternative:
3. Twist grip (affected engine) - Rotate slowly to IDLE, check indications
4. Land as soon as practicable
ENG Oil P (System 1 or 2)
- Engine oil pressure - Check
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Affected engine - Identify
- Single Engine Emergency Shutdown- Perform
- Land as soon as practicable
Engine oil temperature high
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Affected engine - Identify
- Twist grip (affected engine) - Adjust to 20-30% torque (TWIST GRIP caution comes on)
- Oil temperature indicator (affected engine) - Monitor
If engine temperature decreases below limit;
5. Land as soon as practicable
If engine temperature still remains above limits:
6. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
7. Land as soon as practicable
Single engine failure - takeoff
- Collective lever - Adjust to maintain NRO
Rejected takeoff:
2. Landing attitude - Establish
3. Collective lever - Raise as necessary to stop descent and cushion landing
After landing:
4. Affected engine: Identify
5. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
Transition to OEI flight:
2. Collective lever - Adjust to OEI limits or below
3. Rotor speed - Trim to maximum
4. Airspeed - Gain 65 KIAS
After reaching safe altitude:
5. Collective lever - Reduce to OEI MCP or below
6. Affected engine - Identify
7. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
8. Land as soon as practicable
If one XMSN oil pressure indication below 1 bar:
1. Power - Reduce
2. Land as soon as practicable
If both indications below 1 bar:
3. Land immediately
- XMSN oil temperature and pressure indication - Check
If indications are within limits:
2. Land as soon as practicable
If indications are above limit:
2. Power - Reduce as much as possible
If oil temperature indication remains above limit:
3. Land as soon as possible
Single engine failure - hover IGE
- Collective lever - Adjust to OEI limits or below
- Landing attitude - Establish
- Collective lever - Raise as necessary to stop descent and cushion landing
After landing: - Affected engine - Identify
- Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
Single engine failure - flight
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Rotor speed - Trim to max
- Affected engine - Identify
- Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
- Land as soon as practicable
GEN OVHT (System 1 or 2)
- Affected GEN sw - OFF
If GEN OVHT caution indication remains on for more than 1 min (or burning odor/smoke):
2. OEI flight condition - Establish
3. Affected engine - Identify
4. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
5. Land as soon as practicable
Compressor stall
- Collective lever - Lower
- Engine instruments - Monitor
- Collective lever - Raise slowly
If compressor stall returns:
4. Affected engine - Identify
5. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
- Land as soon as practicable
Single engine failure - hover OGE
- Collective lever - Adjust as necessary to maintain NRO
- Airspeed - Increase if possible
Forced landing:
3. Landing attitude - Establish
4. Collective lever - Raise as necessary to stop descent and cushion landing
After landing:
5. Affected engine - Identify
6. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
Transition to OEI - flight
3. Collective lever - Reduce to OEI limits or below
4. Rotor speed - Trim to max
5. Airspeed - Gain 65 KIAS
After reaching safe altitude:
6. Collective lever - Reduce to OEI MCP or below
7. Affected engine - Identify
8. Single Engine Emergency Shutdown - Perform
9. Land as soon as practicable
- Collective lever - Raise as necessary to maintain N2 and NRO within limits
- VAR NR System NORM/MAN sw - Check MAN
- N2 TRIM sw - Try to trim NRO to 101% with matched torque
If step 3 is not possible:
4. Affected engine - Identify
5. Twist grip (affected engine) - Rotate towards IDLE until N2 and NRO stabilize in normal range and FLI needles match
6. Land as soon as practicable
- OEI flight condition - Establish
- Bleed air consumers - Off
- VAR NAR System NORM/MAN pb - Check MAN
- Affected engine - Identify
- N2 TRIM sw - Compensate N2/NRO drop and try to match torque
If torque match is not possible:
6. Twist grip (affected engine) - Release stop plate and rotate towards Flight until N2 and NRO stabilize in normal range and FLI needles match - Land as soon as practicable
If no residual torque (affected engine) is available - Single engine emergency shutdown- Perform
Tail Rotor Drive Failure/Fixed-pitch - Fwd Flight
- Collective Lever - Reduce to obtain minimum sideslip angle
- Airspeed - Maintain 70 KIAS or higher
- Shallow approach with nose left - Perform
If airspeed can be reduced below 40 kts with nose pointing to the left: - Airspeed - Reduce close to the ground until nose is aligned with the flight direction
- Landing - Perform
If the nose direction changes to right at airspeed > 40 kts:
5. Airspeed - Increase
6. Approach - Abort, climb to sufficient height for autorotation
7. Autorotation - Perform
Low Fuel (Sys 1/2)
Fuel quantity indication - Check
If positive fuel in the main tank:
Both FUEL XFER sw (Aft & Fwd) - Check ON
Both FUEL XFER circuit breakers - Check IN
If both Fuel warning lights remain on:
Land within 10 min
In one remains on:
Expect single engine failure
BAT Temp
On Ground
In Flight
Land as soon as possible
Max Gross Weight
3585 kg
7903 lbs