Preventstive Screen Flashcards
Cervical screening guidelines
If immunocompromised then start at 21
Q3 years
Eligible people need to get cervical screened if they:
- feel healthy and have no symptoms
-are no longer sexually active
-only had 1 sex partner
-are in the same sex relationship
-have been through menopause
-have no family history of cervical cancer
-have received the HPV vaccine
Those with hysterectomy should talk to their doctor about whether they need more screening
Osteoporosis / when to do BMD
Post menopausal age >50
- if has 2 risk factors or previous fracture
-if 1 risk factor
Age >70
-no risk factors
AAA screening
One time screening for men 65-80
-women not needed
-not needed after 80
Colorectal screening
FIT >50 q2years
If completed colonoscopy not needed FIT,
If family history of colon cancer screen with colorectal Q10 years
Breast cancer
Mammogram q2 years >50years - 74 years
Maybe recalled in 1 year if:
30-69 high risk breast cancer screening for who?
Personal or family history of breast cancer
Have had radiation to the chest
Known carrier of the pathogenic gene variant
High risk Breast cancer screening will continue to see you until age 74 if already in the program. They do not accept participants over the age of 70.
Ottawa ankle rule - who should get an xray
Is Ottawa ankle rule validated in pt <18 ?
Ottawa knee rule
When to stop screening for cervical cancer screens
70 if you’ve had 3 normal in the previous 10 years.
Ascus cells on pap what’s next?
Repeat cytology in 12 months
If results are AScus again then refer for colposcopy
If results are normal then return to routine screening Q3 years
Currently HPV testing is not an insured test in Ontario but you can pay for it. HPV testing for someone with a first time ascus or LSIL is not required. Anyone can do it
People with cervix who tested positive can be referred directly to colposcopy
People with a cervix who are HPV non 16-18 positive should repeat their cytology in 12 months
People with a cervix who are HPV negative can return to normal screening Q3 years
HSIL what next?
LSIL what next?
Repeat cytology in 12 months
If greater or equal to ascus > colposcopy
If normal repeat cytology again in 12 months, if the result is:
-normal, return to routine screening in 3 years
-greater than or equal to ascus > refer to colposcopy
atypical endocervical cells?
Colposcopy and or endometrial sampling