Maternity Flashcards
Dating ultrasound when?
7-12 weeks
Dating ultrasound when?
7-12 weeks
When to order prenatal genetic testing ?
11-14 weeks
Anatomic US when ?
18-22 weeks
When is GDM screening ?
All women 24-28 weeks
When do you screen for GBS ?
35-37 weeks
How often should you feel fetal movement ?
At least 6 movements in 2 hours,
If you don’t should contact HCP
There isn’t any definition of normal fetal movement l, women need to be made aware of what is normal for their baby and what to do if fetal decreases or changes in their baby’s environment
Screening for GDM with what? How is diagnosis made?
50g OGTT at 24-28 weeks
If abnormal needs to follow with 75g OGTT
Diagnosis is made:
FBG >5.3mmol/L
1hr >10.6 mmol/L
2hr > 9.0 mmol/L
What’s the alternative approach to GDM rather than the 50g OGTT
75g OGTT
FBG >5.1
1hr >10
2hr > 8.5
If one value is met or exceeded then GDM
If you are diagnosed with GDM when should you screen for T2DM ??
Within 6 weeks - 6months of giving birth
Then Q3year depending on risk factors
Anti D vaccine should be given when and for who ?
28 weeks gestation for Rh negative non sensitized women when fetal blood type is unknown or to be Rh positive
What are the Rh vaccines ?
300 mcq dose x1 at 28 weeks to Rh negative mothers
Alternatively 2 doses 100-120 mcq at 28 weeks then one at 34 weeks
First line agent trichomoniasis in pregnant asymptomatic patients
Treatment is not recommended
Treat all cases and their sexual partners regardless of symptoms
First line agent trichomoniasis in pregnant symptomatic patients
Metronidazole 2g in a single dose (any stage of pregnancy)
Alternative is metro 500mg PO BID x 7 days
Treat all cases and their sexual partners regardless of symptoms
First line treatment for asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy
treatment is unnecessary unless high risk (prior preterm delivery), prior to IUD insertion, gynaecological surgery, induced abortion, or upper tract instrumentation