preventative measures Flashcards
Indications for IVIG
- replacement in primary immune def disorders
- Kawazaki - prevent coronary, shorten clinical course
- immune mediated thrombocytopenia
- prevent serious bacterial infection in kids withHIV infction
- prophylaxis post bone marrow transplant
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Parvo 19 induced anemia
- Can use if no access to varicella Ig
IViG side effetcs
fever, hadache, myalgia, chills, nausea and vomiting - rate dependent
anaphylaxis, thromboembolic events, aseptic meningitis, renal insuff
tetanus and diphtheria
modified bacterial toxin made nontoxic
who needs Tetanus immune globulin
if significant wound and received less than 3 doses or unknown doses
Also get vaccine at same time
who should get the flu vaccine?
1) All children six to 59 months of age
2) ≥6 months + chronic health conditions:
3) morbid obesity (body mass index ≥40 kg/m2)
4) prolonged treatment with acetylsalicylic acid
5) All Aboriginal peoples
6) All residents of chronic care facilities
7) All pregnant women
8) household contact, healthcare, daycare…
who should not get the LAIV?
if egg allergy
if severe asthma or recent wheezing
what vaccines should Asplenics get?
at risk from pneum, hib and men
1) PCV 13 - 4 doses
2) PPSV 23 at age 2 ( > 8 weeks post PCV 13)
3) MCV 4
4) 4CMenB
5) if > 5 yrs - needs Hib booster
if pt is on systemic steroids . 2mg/kg/d for > 14 D, do you need to wait to vaccinate?
Wait 1 month post end
what is considered a varicella exposure?
household contact
touching lesion
same room . 1 hour
face to face > 15 min
who gets post varicella prophylaxis
if susceptible ie no varicella and not titer
get vaccine as soon and up to 5 days
who gest post varicella immunoglobulin
were EXPOSED and can’t get vaccine:
- pregnant
- neonates of moms who developped rash 5 d pre del or 2 d post
- prem neonates
- immune compromised
what is the age for Rotavirus administration
starts at 6 week ( 2 mon and 4 mo)
should complete by 8 month
first dose no later than 15 mo!
if you have been exposed to Men C, what should you receive
Rifampin for 2 days
4CMenB vaccine
what is the work up for child new to canada?
CBC and differential Liver and renal function tests Serology for HBV, HCV, HIV, syphilis TB skin test Chest x-ray Stool O&P Urinalysis Cultures and other investigations on an individual basis
who should get Hep A vaccine post exposure
up to 2 weeks
for close contacts > 12 mo
hep A Ig
if immunocompromised and exposed to Hep A, mgnt?
Vaccine and hep A Ig
if mom is HBsAg, what is the management of the baby?
- HBIG AND HB vaccine within 12 hours
- Vaccine at 1 and 6 months if > 2kg
Vaccine at 0, 1, 2, 6 if
if mom HBsAg unknown, assess if can test mother and have results in 12 hours. If + or cannot get results?
HB vaccine
what is the mgnt of a close contact post exposure to Hib
rifampin 4d
what is the mgnt of a close contact post exposure to N. Meningitis
Rifampin 2 d + vaccine
what is the mgnt of a close contact post exposure GAS invasive disease
what is the mgnt of a close contact post exposure to measles
IG within 6 days
when d you use IM immune globulin (3)
- replacement therapy in primary immunodef
- hep A prophylaxis
- Measles prophylaxis