Prev Med Halo Halo Flashcards
Stages of death and dying
Kubler Ross’ Stages Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Capacity of an agent to induce disease which is clinically apparent in an infected host
Ability of an agent to produce SERIOUS ILLNESS; measured in terms of FATALITY
Ability to combine specifically with the products or effects of the immune response
Chain of infection
Infectious agent Reservoir Portal of exit Mode of transmissiosn Portal of entry Susceptible host *breaking a link at any point in the chain will control the risk of infection by preventing the onward transmission of microorganisms
Types of carrier
Inapparent throughout
Incubatory carrier convalescent
Carrier: inapparent throughout
Incubatory carrier
Convalescent carrier
C diphtheria
Hepatitis B
Chronic carrier
S typhi
Hepatitis B
Stages of infection
Clinical disease
Generation time
The period between the recept of infection by the host and the maximal communicability of that host
Latent period vs Incubation period
Latent period: period between exposure and infection
*also is applied to chronic illnesses and non-infectious diseases
Incubation period: can only be applied to infectious that result manifest disease
Measure of rate of spread
Generation time
-time that elapses between onset of symptoms in the primary case and onset of symptoms of the secondary case
Epidemiologic chain
Causative or etiologic agent Reservoir / source Mode of escape from the reservoir Mode of transmission Mode of entry into new host Susceptible host
Modifiable risk factors ⭐️
Alcohol Birth weight Body weight Diet Dyslipiidemia Migration Sedentary lifestyle Smoking Stress
Non-modifiable risk factors ⭐️
Family history Sex Menopause Age Race Type A personality (Outgoing, impatient, anxious, workaholics)
5As of somking cessation
Ask about tobacco use Advise quitting Assess readiness to quit Assist smokers ready to quit Arrange follow-up
E-cigarette or vaping product use-asociated lung injury
CDC: “Consider refraining from use of all e-cigarette, or vaping products.”
Graphic health warnings law
RA 10643
Nationwide smoking ban
EO no 26
Excess fluoride consumption
> 0.05mg/kg/day
Hierarchy of controls to hazards
Elimination Substitution Engineering controls Adminisntrative controls PPE
Amount of chemical that can be repetitively exposed to a person over a long duration without causign adverse effects
This is usually based on average concentration in a 40-hour workweek
Time weighted average (TWA)
Amount of chemical that is allowable for only a short duration (15mins) without causing tissue damage, irritation or any adverse effects
Short term exposure limits (STEL)
Amount of chemical or particles that shoul not be exceeded at ANY TIME WITH NO EXCEPTIONS
Important ranges for intensity dB and frequency
Hearing threshold: 0dB
Threshold for pain: 120dB
Audible range: 20-20,000 Hz
Speech frequency: 500-2,000hz
Permissible duration of exposure
85-90dB: 8 hours 90-95: 4 hours 95-100: 2 hours 100-105: 1 hour 105-110: 1/2 hour 110-115: 1/4 hour 115: 1/8 hour
Remarks on noice induced hearing loss
NIHL is almost always bilateral
Decompression sickness
Caisson disease
Sudden decrease to ~45% of the pressure with which the subject had been equilibrated
Increase in atm pressure causes:
Nitrogen narcosis: nitrogen has increased solubility in fatty tissues
O2 toxicity: retrolental fibroplasia
Cardiovascular strain
Top 5 work-related illnesses
- Respiratory
- Musuloskeletal
- Cancer
- Injuries
- CV
Patient classification for employment
Class A: physically fit for any work
Class B: with correctible defects, but otherwise fit for work
Class C: employable, but requires special placement or limited duty
Class D: unfit or unsafe for any type of employment
National Blood services Act
RA 7719 (1994)
Minimum interval bet 2 blood donations
12 weeks (3 months) Platelet (apheresis) donors: as often as once every 2 weeks and up to 24 times per year
Conditions not allowed to donate blood anytime
Cancer Cardiac dse Severe lung disease Heaptitis B and C HIV/AIDS/STD High risk occupation (prositution) Unexplained weight loss >5kg over 6 months Chronic alcoholism