Pressurization Flashcards
How many outflow valves are there
How many independent pressure controllers are there?
Upon landing the aircraft depressurizes after _____?
60 Seconds - outflow valves command full open
The pressure controller (CPAM) switches from standby
3 minutes after landing
Outflow valves are controlled ____ ?
Outflow valves are operated ____ ?
What is the safety feature of the outflow valves?
The built in safety valves open automatically at 8.6 psi and a negative pressure of -.5 psi.
During manual pressurization control which outflow valve is controlled
The secondary outflow valve is directly controlled by the manual selection on the control panel.
In Manual Mode where is the information shown?
Cabin Rate and Altitude can be found on the ECS, the Status and Primary page.
The EMER DEPRESS switch does what?
Depressurizes the aircraft to 14,250’ +/- 750’
On the 700 limit climb to ____ above FL___?
1500 fpm above FL300
The CPAM receives information from what?
The standby pitot static system
True or False - The CPAM receives info from the primary pitot static system.
False - it receives it’s info from the standby pitot static system
How are the 700 / 900 pressure controllers different?
It only has one Pressure Controller with triple redundancy and 2 Safety Valves
The vacuum power required to regulate the outflow valves comes from where?
A Jet Pump off the 10th stage bleed air system.
What happens when a differential pressure of 8.6 psi is sensed by the CPAM
a “CABIN PRESSURE” aural warning with a “DIFF PRESS” warning message. The outflow valves will open to relieve the excess pressure.