Presenting Signs: Cough and Dyspnoea Flashcards
- Define cough.
- Define Dyspnoea.
- Sudden expiratory effort against a closed glottis, results in noisy expulsion of air from lungs.
- Difficulty breathing w/ increased effort.
- Tachypnoea.
- Hyperpnoea.
- Orthopnoea.
- Cyanosis.
- Increased RR.
- Increased respiratory effort (deeper breaths) w/o dyspnoea.
- Difficulty breathing in while laying down. Cats often sit or stand to facilitate breathing w/ elbows abducted and neck extended.
- Blue MM colouration due to reduced oxygenation.
- Aim of cough.
- Cough receptors.
- Cough arc reflex.
- How does heart disease result in cough?
- Aim is protective reflex to clear excess secretions / foreign materials.
- Cough receptors in large airways and low density cough receptors in nose, sinuses, pharynx, pleura.
- mechanical receptors for mucus, FB etc.
- chemical receptors for acid, heat etc. - Cough arc reflex:
- afferent pathway: sensory nerves (vagus).
- cough centre: medulla oblongata.
- efferent pathway: via vagus, phrenic and spinal motor nerves to diaphragm, abdominal wall and muscles. - Enlarged LA.
Tachypnoea caused by pulmonary oedema.
Harmful effects of coughing.
Exacerbate airway inflammation and irritation.
Weakness and exhaustion.
Dissemination of infections.
Causes of dyspnoea and tachypnoea.
- obstructive – fixed or dynamic obstruction.
- restrictive – decreased volume of air that the lungs can hold.
Approach to the patient presenting w/ dyspnoea and cough.
Assess patient:
- O2.
- Reduce stress – consider sedation and environment.
Problem list and differentials.
Dx investigations.
Considering the causes of the cough.
Cardiac or respiratory?
- what causes coughing in heart disease?
- any other signs of heart disease?
- any other signs of cardiac failure (i.e. dyspnoea and/or tachypnoea)?
– murmur?
- sinus arrhythmia?
– Y –> CHF v unlikely.
– N –> does not help.
- cats w/ heart disease rarely cough.
- Likely cause of dyspnoea and cough in young patients?
- Likely cause of dyspnoea and cough in older patients?
- Breed dispositions for diseases causes coughing and dyspnoea.
- Lungworm?
- Neoplasia? Chronic bronchitis?
- Brachycephalic or dolichocephalic.
Working/outdoor lifestyle - airway FB?
CKCS and others = MMVD.
Brachycephalic breeds - BOAS.
Toy breed dogs e.g. Yorkie - tracheal collapse.
Siamese cat - Feline asthma/chronic bronchitis.
Westie - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Taking a general history.
Vac status, contact w/ other animals.
Worming history (lungworm).
History of trauma.
Exercise tolerance.
Environmental influences: rural/urban/tobacco smoke.
Additional clinical signs: - vomiting or regurgitation?
Characterising the clinical signs.
Coughing vs panting.
Reverse sneezing, gagging, retching.
Onset and duration:
- acute versus chronic >2mths.
- progressive?
The cough:
- initiating factors.
- Productive vs non-productive.
- sound: moist, gurgling, dry, goose honk.
- Presence of terminal retch.
Change in sound of bark/purr/meow.
- Is a patient suffering from BOAS suffering from an obstructive dyspnoea or restrictive dyspnoea?
- Is a patient suffering from BOAS suffering from expiratory dyspnoea, inspiratory dyspnoea or both?
- Is a patient w/ pneumonia likely the present with an obstructive dyspnoea or restrictive dyspnoea?
- Is a patient w/ pneumonia likely to suffer inspiratory dyspnoea, expiratory dyspnoea or both?
- Obstructive.
- Inspiratory.
- Restrictive.
- Both.
Distant exam of the patient.
Assess patient first and stabilise if necessary (O2).
Observe patient’s posture.
Observe patient’s respiratory rate a rhythm.
- inspiratory vs expiratory effort.
- shallow vs laboured.
Listen for:
- URT noise.
– stertor (like snoring) vs stridor.
- wheezing (LRT).
Closer PE.
Once stable.
- cranial mediastinum compressibility in cats (gently!)
- thoracic cavity trauma/deformities.
- tracheal pinch.
Assess LNs.
Thoracic auscultation.
- crackles.
- wheezes.
- HR and rhythm: respiratory sinus arrhythmia?
- heart murmur.
- muffled/lack of heart sounds.
- increased/decreases resonance.
Respiratory causes of dyspnoea and tachypnoea?
- obstructive disorders (e.g. laryngeal paralysis / tracheal collapse / BOAS).
- obstructive disorders: luminal (e.g. mucus) vs mural (mass or bronchospasm e.g. feline asthma, chronic bronchitis).
Pulmonary parenchyma:
- restrictive disorder / reduced lung capacity e.g. pneumonia, haemorrhage, oedema.
Pleural space:
- restrictive disorder/reduced lung volume: e.g. pleural effusion.
- obstructive disorder e.g. mediastinal mass.