Presentation of Data Flashcards
Useful for showing trends over a period of time (x-axis)
Line Chart
Useful in showing a total quality distributed among a group of categories
Consists of a series of rectangular bars where the length of the bar represents the quantity or frequency for each category if the bars are arranged horizontally. If the abrs are arranged vertically, the height of the bar represents the quantity
Bar Chart
A way o presenting the data systematically
Statistical Tables
the main heading that is placed ar the top of the table and must explain the contents of the table
Spaces where vertical heading and subheadings of the column are written
Boxhead (Column Captions)
Space where the horizontal headings and sub heading of the row are written
main part of the table which contains the numerical information classified with respect to rows and column captions
a statement given below the title and enclosed in brackets that usually describe the units of measurement
Prefatory Notes
appear immediately below the body of the table providing additional information
given at the end of the table indicating the source the information has bee taken from
Source Notes (also includes info about compiling agencies, publications, etc.)
It is an alternative method for describing a set of data. It presents a histogram-like picture of the data while retaining the actual observed values of each data point
Stem-and-Leaf Display
an arrangement of observations according to their magnitude, either increasing or decreasing order
is a bar graph that displays the classes on the horizontal axis and the frequencies of the classes on the vertical axis
Frequency Histogram
a graph that displays the classes on the horizontal axis and the relative frequencies on the vertical axs
Relative Histogram
a line chart that is constructed y plotting the frequencies at the class marks and connecting the plotted points by means of straight lines; the polygon is closed by considering an additional class at each end and the ends of the lines are brought down to the horizontal axis at the midpoints of the additional classes.
Frequency Polygon
graphs of the cumulative frequency distribution
<cf is plotted against the UCB
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