Presentation 4th week Flashcards
relaxing, constricts pupil, increases salivation, decrease breathing and heart rate, dilates blood vessels, stimulates digestive processes (stomach and bowels), constracts bladder muscles, stimulates defecation, acetylcoline pre ganglia is longer, post ganglia is shorter
alertness, dilates pupil, decrease salivation, increase breathing and heart rate, constricts blood vessels, inhibits digestive process, relaxes bladder muscles, inhibits defecation, neuropherephine, arrousal, pre ganglia is shorter, post ganglia is longer
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
spinal cord
its connecting the brain to entire system outside white matter (neurons generally myleated) and inside gray matter
the brain
based on functions forebrain, mid brain, hindbrain
basic automatic tasks, quite vital for organism, oldest part of a brain evolutionary. medulla, cerebellum, the pons
connection of the brain and spinal cord, heart beating breathing, vomiting, coughing, swallowing, sneezing. because of organisms of medulla right side of brain is controlling left side, and opposite
some movements which we are not aware of, muscle controls autonomically
the pons
helps hindbrain communicate with other parts of brain
coordination of muscles, sensory information sound light etc, sleep awake patterns, transmitting sensory information to higher levels of brain
processing external sensory generates more complex behavior, emotions , complex behaviors
…. gland such as cabrohybride metalism, breast milk production. keep the balance of body’s functioning, when we are hungry, when we are thirsty
transferrer, signals from hypothalamus to celebrum where all the signals are actually intrepreted
limbic system
signals are intrepreted, master of the brain, the most developed area deciding planning thinking something deeply language