Presentation 2nd week Flashcards
Mind and body problem
understanding the relationship between mind and body
mind and body
separate or the same thing?
Even if it is separate or same
how much?
thoughts consciousness and emotions
neurons synaptic connections, brain etc
materialism phenomenilsm idealism
Substance dualism
mind and body are two different substances, core structures
Function dualism
they are from the same structure but they have different functions
we can reduce mental phenomena to physical entities, we can explain everything in the mental world with physical activities
connecting neuroscience in to philosophy P P churchland, mental phenomena were actually neuro phenomena
two way effection
physical changes can affect the mind and mind can also affect the body
gestaltian approach
opposite of reductionist, examining the elephant parts
evolutionary psychology
craving sugar, feeling afraid or anxious etc. Body changes slower than our minds thats why we still feeling or craving things evolutoinary
Strange situation test
test that evaluates a child whether they are securely or insecurely attached