Prescription review Flashcards
What are some essential factors to remember to check when reviewing a prescription?
PReSCRIBER pnuemonic
Patient details
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Blood clot prophylaxis
Relief of pain
Fact #1
Do not forget that Co-amox and Tazocin both contain penicillin!!!
Which types of patients will you double think anti-platelets and anti-coag for?
those who are bleeding
suspected of bleeding
risk of bleeding
Steroids side effects?
Stomach ulcers
Thin skin
Right and left heart failure
what considerations should you make before prescribing an NSAID?
No urine (renal failure)
Systolic dysfunction (HF)
Dyscrasia (clotting)
what are some anti-hypertensive side effects?
- hypotension
- Bradycardia with BB, CCB and electrolyte imbalances with ACEi and diuretics
ACEi dry cough
BB wheeze in asthmatics, worsening HF
CCB peripheral oedema, flushing
Diuretics renal failure, thiazide like gout, potassium sparing gynaecomastia
When must you consider routes of medication?
vomiting - non oral routes, unless predicted to be a short time
*common antiemetics dose same regardless of route
*NBM usually receives oral meds still
What are the two broad indications for IV fluids?
replacement - dehydrated or unwell
maintenance - NBM
what fluid is best to use when replacing?
- 0.9% saline
- hypernatraemia or hypoglycaemic use 5% dextrose
- shocked due to blood loss give blood transfusion
what factors must you assess before considering how much to replace and how fast?
Urine output
*if tachy or hypotensive 500mL bolus or 250mL if HF
*oliguric then 1L over 2-4h then reassess
*never prescribe more than 2L of IVF for sick pt
Which fluids to use for maintenance?
- general rule adults require 3L per 24h and elderly 2L
- 1L of 0.9% saline and 2L of 5% dextrose
- 2 x 20mmol KCL in 2 bags for potassium for normal
Roughly what are the rules for how fast to give maintenance fluids?
- 3L give it 8 hourly
- 2L give it 12 hourly
what must you check before prescribing fluids in real life?
- check U&E
- check not fluid overloaded with JVP, oedema
- ensure patients bladder is not palpable
how is blood clot prophylaxis carried out in hospitals?
prophylactic LMWH - dalteparin
compression stockings (unless peripheral arterial disease)
When must you avoid metoclopramide?
young women - risk of dyskinesia