Prescribing Oxygen Flashcards
Oxygen should be regarded as a drug that is prescribed for patients with hypoxaemia (low blood oxygen concentration).
Oxygen should be regarded as a drug that is prescribed for patients with hypoxaemia (low blood oxygen concentration).
When prescribing and administering oxygen there are several things to consider:
Does the patient need oxygen? What are the target saturations? How should oxygen be delivered? What is the cause of hypoxaemia? What is the ongoing monitoring?
The headline point is that oxygen should be used to treat hypoxaemia and maintain a patients’ saturations in the target range. This should be …
This should be 94-98% or 88-92% in patients at risk of type 2 respiratory failure.
Hypoxia and hypoxaemia are two different terms but often used synonymously in clinical practice.
In clinical practice, the term ‘hypoxic’ is commonly used instead of ‘hypoxaemic’ to refer to a patient with low oxygen saturations as measured on pulse oximetry. Although the terms hypoxia and hypoxaemia are used interchangeably, they mean two different things:
Hypoxia: failure of tissue oxygenation
Hypoxaemia: low arterial oxygen concentration (i.e. low partial pressure of blood oxygen)
The five causes of tissue hypoxia include:
Hypoxaemic hypoxia: due to hypoventilation, ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, or pulmonary shunts
Circulatory hypoxia: due to inadequate cardiac output
Anaemic hypoxia
Histotoxic hypoxia: inability of the tissue to use oxygen (e.g. cyanide poisoning)
Oxygen affinity hypoxia: decreased oxygen delivery to tissue (i.e. haemoglobin holds onto oxygen)
The sole indication for oxygen is hypoxaemia.
Patients with hypoxaemia require oxygen to prevent hypoxia. This is because hypoxia impairs cellular aerobic metabolism. When aerobic metabolism is impaired cells undergo anaerobic respiration, but this is a short-term inefficient system that cannot sustain life for prolonged periods of time. By-products of anaerobic respiration include substances such as lactic acid that can lead to metabolic acidosis and reduced cellular function.
Oxygen is prescribed for two main groups with hypoxaemia:
Acutely unwell: typically administered in a hospital or healthcare setting.
Chronic hypoxaemia: oxygen may be prescribed for long-term use in patients with chronic lung disease. This is known as long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT). Specific criteria exist for its use.
Acute indication - oxygen
Hypoxaemia is a common presentation in critically ill patients. Often, patients may be so unwell that oxygen is administered at high flow rates while waiting for a reliable oximetry reading. Once obtained, oxygen can be titrated to the appropriate target saturations.
Oxygen should always be administered to achieve a normal or near-normal oxygen saturation based on the target saturation set for the patient (see below).
Patients with, or at risk of, type 2 respiratory failure should have a lower target saturation at …
Patients with, or at risk of, type 2 respiratory failure should have a lower target saturation at 88-92%.
There are two major target saturations for patients being treated with oxygen:
94-98%: patients not at risk of type 2 respiratory failure
88-92%: patients with, or at risk of, type 2 respiratory failure
Type 2 respiratory failure
Type 2 respiratory failure (T2RF) is characterised by hypoxaemia (PaO2 < 8 kPa) and hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 6.5 kPa). It is also referred to as hypercapnic respiratory failure. It can be either acute or chronic depending on its speed of onset and presence of compensatory mechanisms.
Patients at risk of T2RF include:
Moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): may be undiagnosed
Cystic fibrosis
Severe obesity (i.e. obesity hypoventilation syndrome)
Neuromuscular disease (e.g. Motor neurone disease)
Severe chest wall deformity (e.g. kyphoscoliosis)
Previous episode of T2RF
In patients with, or at risk of, T2RF higher levels of oxygen can induce or worsen hypercapnia due to a combination of ventilation/perfusion mismatch and increased physiological deadspace. Therefore, we can get oxygen-induced …
In patients with, or at risk of, T2RF higher levels of oxygen can induce or worsen hypercapnia due to a combination of ventilation/perfusion mismatch and increased physiological deadspace. Therefore, we can get oxygen-induced hypercapnia.
In a patient without a known diagnosis that increases the risk of T2RF such as COPD, it may be difficult to determine whether they should have a lower target saturation at 88-92%.
Features that can suggest a patient is at risk of T2RF:
Heavy smoker Severe emphysematous changes on imaging Compensated respiratory acidosis (i.e. raised PaCO2 & raised bicarbonate) History of obstructive sleep apnoea Large neck or very obese Rising PaCO2 with oxygen therapy
If in doubt, always ask a senior for advice on target saturations.
Nasal cannulae - oxygen delivery
Oxygen delivered (%): 24-44% Variable oxygen concentration: affected by respiratory rate and amount delivered via nose. Flow rate (L/min): 1-6 litres
Nasal cannulae
Oxygen delivered (%): 24-44% Variable oxygen concentration: affected by respiratory rate and amount delivered via nose. Flow rate (L/min): 1-6 litres
In general, more than … litres is uncomfortable for patients and causes dryness of the nasal passages.
In general, more than 4 litres is uncomfortable for patients and causes dryness of the nasal passages.