Prepositions Flashcards
What prepositions for indicating place?
a, de, en, entre, hacia, por, tras, bajo
What prepositions for indicating time?
a, con, de, desde, en, para, por, sobre, tras, hasta
What preposition is used for indicating cause?
Prepositions used for indicating purpose
a, para
prepositions used for company?
prepositions used for indicating manner?
a, con, de, en, por, bajo, sugún, vía
What preposition is used to indicate direction or destination?
Voy a Madrid
What preposition is used to give orders or commands?
Todos a la cama
What preposition is used to denote the place or time where something happens?
Lo contactaron a la entrada de su casa
What preposition is used to specify the situation of someone or something?
Se encontraba a la izquierda de su padre
What preposition is used to indicate the end of an interval of place or time between two things?
Solo servían el almuerzo de doce a una
What preposition is used to denote the manner of an action?
Le gusta montar a caballo (to ride a horse)
What preposition is used to designate the price of things?
Todo lo que lleve es a 5000 pesos
What preposition is used to indicate distribution or proportional account?
Fui a un almacén y me compré de esos productos que son a tres por 10000
What preposition is used to mean “facing/before” or “in front of”
Se paró ante él y le dijo muchas verdades: He stood before him and told many truths
What preposition is used with to mean “in the presence of”?
Ante el padre le dijo que sí lo amaba.
What prep to mean “by comparison, with respect to”
Sus palabras no fueron tan ofensivas, ante las de él
What prep is used for “below (beneath)”
Echaron el agua bajo las escalas.
What prep is used for dependence, subordination, or submission
Los niños están bajo tu responsabilidad.
Children are your responsibility.
What prep is used for concealment or dissimulation
Se presentó a la audiencia bajo un apodo.
He introduced himself to the audience under a nickname.
What prep is used in a numerical gradation, it indicates a position lower than the one taken as a reference.
Viven a ocho grados bajo cero
They live at minus eight degrees
what prep is used to talk about an approach or opinion
Vamos a hablar de la situación bajo otros puntos de vista.
Let’s talk about the situation from other points of view.
What prep is used to denote a location within a set
Está clasificado bajo la sección de productos lácteos.
It is classified under the dairy section.
What prep is used to describe during the period corresponding to a particular mandate or mode of governance
The means/way/tool used to do something
Esta es la receta con la que me gusta hacer los tortas. This is the recipe I like to use to make the cake.
Used before an infinitive (expresses continuous action- gerund)
Con hablar, se arreglan los problemas.
Expresses the circumstances under which something is executed or happens
Lo hizo con mucho esfuerzo. He did it with a lot of effort.
con ser tan enfermo, irradia una bonita energía. despite being so sick, he radiates a beautiful energy.
Used in a phrase that contrasts what is said in an explanation after (an implicit reality)
con lo jocoso que era y ahora es un hombre muy serio. despite how funny he was, he is now a very serious man.
together/with/in company
me gusta tomar el café con leche. i like to drink my coffee with milk.
Expresses condition. Frequently followed “que” or by an infinitive.
Con que salgas a caminar tres veces por semana, serás más saludable. With you going out for a walk three times a week, you will be more healthy.
Opposition and contradiction between one thing and another
El partido será contra los campeones del torneo pasado.
“in front of”
Estaba sentado contra el tablero. He was sitting in front of the board.
toward (direction of movement)
Se vino contra mí para saludarme. He came towards me to greet me.
“in exchange for”
Mi dijo que la plata se la diera contra entrega del producto. He told me to give the money in exchange for delivery of the product.
possession or ownership
esta es la finca de mis padres
Do create various adverbial phrases of manner
Lo conozco de vista. I know him by sight
Indicates where someone is from
A material something is made of
To indicate what is contained in something
Necesito una caja de huevos para hacer la torta. I need a carton of eggs to make the cake.
To indicate a subject/topic
Cuando entré, estaban hablando de la fiesta. When I entered, they were talking about the party.
Cause or origin of something
se enfermó de paperas. he got sick from mumps.
To express the nature, condition, or quality of someone of something.
Es un hombre de buenos valores. He is a man of food values.
To determine or specify more vividly the application of a noun
Me gusta vivir en la Ciudad de la Eterna primavera. I like living in the City of Eternal Spring.
to denote a point at which something originates “from”
Viajó de Argentina a Estados Unidos.
Preceded by a noun, adjective, or adverb, and followed by an infinitive
estoy cerca de encontrar la solución.
Followed by the infinitive, then with a comma with a condition (past tense phrase, would have phrase)
De saber las cosas con anterioridad, no habría cometido el error. If I had known things beforehand, I wouldn’t have made the mistake.
“if they’re/he’s lucky”
de tener suerte
To determine the time something happens
El accidente occurió de madrugada (early morning)
Used to say “from this ___”, ___ happened/conclusion was drawn
De esta discusión se sacarán buy buenas conclusiones
Used to say “show me a little (action/quality)”
préstame un poco de atención
To indicate the quick execution of something
Terminemos de una vez por todas. Let’s finish once and for all.
Between different parts of the sentence with expressions of pity, complaint, or threat.
!Ay de mí, con tanto trabajo y con tan poco tiempo! Oh my goodness, with so much work and so little time.
do por sí
To introduce the term of comparison
Todo salió mejor de lo que pensaba. Everything turned out better than I thought.
Denotes the point, in time or place, from which something originates, begins, or is to be counted
Me envió muchos regalos desde Canadá. He sent me many gifts from Canada.
Since then
desde entonces
from here
desde aquí
from now on
desde ahora
desde que tu fuiste, nada volvió a ser igual. Since you left, nothing has been the same.
To introduce the perspective, focus, aspect, or opinion being expressed
Desde mi opinión, pieno que tienen razón. From my point of view, I think they are right.
that prep denotes simultaneity
durante mi paso por el colegio, yo gui una estudiante muy disciplinada. During my time at school, I was a very disciplined student.
Denotes where, when or how what is expressed by the referred verb takes place
Tengo una ropa en remojo, para luego lavarla. I have some clothes soacking to wash later.
signifies about what
el presidente dijo que va a haber un impuesto en el licor. the president said that there will be a tax on liqour.
Denotes what someone excels at or is occupied with
Juan siempre se ha destacado por su desempeño en ingenieria ambienta. Juan has always stood out for his performance in environmental engineering
Denotes a transit situation
En estos momentos va en el carro a entregarte el dinero. Rigth now, he is in the car on his way to deliver the money to you.
Cuando hablé con él, me di cuenta de quién era en la voz. When I spoke to him, I recognized him through/by his voice.
Denotes the end of some movement verbs
A él le gusta montar en bicicleta. He likes to ride a bike.
Denotes the situation or state between two or more things.
Juan estaba ubicado entre Sara y Jorge. Juan was located between Sara and George.
no había una buena actitud entre sus intenciones. there was no good attitude within his intentions.
denotes an intermediate state
La camisa tenía un color entre rojo y verde. the shirt had a color between red and gree.
“is one of”
A Marcos lo cuento entre uno de mis mejores amigos. Marcos is counted as one of my best friends.
Denotes cooperation between two or more people or things.
Es mejor un buen diálogo entre amigos, que una acalorada discusión. It’s better to have a good dialogue among friends than a heated argument.
Entre bomberos no se pisan la manguera. Among firefighters, they don’t step on the hose.
Expressing the idea of reciprocity
La decisión la tomaron entre ellos. The decision was made among themselves.
Denotes the direction of a movement, a trend, or an attitude.
Siempre tenía una buena actitud hacia las cosas malas. He always had a positive attitude towards bad things.
Around, near
El vuelo sale hacia las cino de la tarde. The flight departs around five in the afternoon.
Denotes the term or limit
En el viaje voy hasta Argentina. In the flight I’m going as far as Argentina.
Even or still
Creo que hasta él estaría de acuerdo. I believe even he would agree.
By means of, with, with the help of.
Debemos demonstrar mediatne nuesto voto, que no estamos de acuerdo con la decisón.
According to, or in accordance with the
según el problema planteado, la solución se debe dar de formal grupal. According to the problem posed, the solution must be given collectively.
In accordance with/according to what the people concerned think/say (before nouns)
según lo que él dice, el vuelo se retrasó debido al mal clima. According to what he says, the flight was delayed due to bad weather
In proportion to or correspondence to
Explicaré el tema de nuevo, según la actitud y atención que pongan. I will explain the topic again, according to the attitude and attention they show.
Denotes the lack or absence of something
no podremos ir muy lejos sin dinero. we won’t be able to go very far without money
outside of or besides
Tengo muchas cosas para comer, sin los dulces. I have many things to eat, without the sweets.
Before an infinitive verb (equialent to “not” w/ it’s participle)
Me fui sin verlo y era lo que más deseaba. I left without seeing it, and it was what I desired most.
fueron obligados a ir a la conferencia, so pena de sanción laboral si no asistían. They were forced to attend the conference under the threat of a labor sanction if they didn’t attend.
on top of
Le dejó la comida sobre la mesa. He left the food on the top of the table.
about, concerning
Julio sabe mucho sobre el tema. Julian knows a lot about the topic.
sobre llorar, también sabe reír. besides crying, he also knows how to laugh.
Used to indicate approximation in quantity or number
Mateo tiene sobre 500 pesos para comprar libros. Mathew has about 500 pesos to buy books
With domation/superiority
Sobre el hermano mayor, el menor es más juicioso. The younger brother is more judicioous than the older brother.
Used to ask for something
sobre la casa necesito que me prestes dinero. I need you to lend me money on top o the house.
Indicates a numerical position higher than the reference
El país amanece con una temperatura de cuatro grados sobre cero. the country wakes up with a temprature of four degrees above zero.
Used to show the idea of reiteration/accumulation nouns
Ahora todo es problema sobre problema. Now everything is problem after problem.
to, toward
Te espero en mi casa sobre la mañana. I’ll wait for you at my house around the morning.
te espero en mi casa sobre la mañana. I’ll wait for you in my house around the morning.
la medicina la debes tomar sobre el desayuno. you should take the medicine after breakfast.
after, following (applied to space or time)
Tras los malos momentos vendrán otros mejores. After the bad times, better ones will come.
Behind, in a posterior situation
Tras él estaba ella sonriendo. Behind him she was smiling.
After, Besides, furthermore
Tras de no escuchar, pregunta. After not listening, he asks.
In search or pursuit of
se fue tras la paz. he goes after peace.
front of, against, versus
Barcelona jugará versus Real Madrid.
by, passing through, making a stop in
La presentación la escuchó vía videoconferencia. He listened to the presentation via video conference.