Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Flashcards
What are the key characteristics of Cystic Fibrosis?
CD = AR disease with mutation in CFTR gene
Chronic lung disease and recurrent infection leading to lung scarring and cor pulmonale
85% have pancreatic insufficiency = chronic malabsorption and failure to thrive
Median survival about 40 years
delF508 and G542X are most common mutations
More common in caucasians
Characteristics of sickle cell anemia?
Point mutation in gene for beta-chain of hemoglobin
de-oxygenation causes sickling leading to hemolytic anemia, frequent pain crises due to vascular occlusion
More common among AA = all screened
Resistance to malaria
Maternal screen by hemoglobin electrophoresis which looks for HbS
What is Tay-Sachs?
AR disease more common in ashkenazi jewish population
Founder effect
Deficiency of hexosaminidase A (hex A) which is degrades GM2 gangliosides
Accumulation of gangliosides in brain leads to enlarged neurons = neuronal death
symptoms of loss of alertness, excessive reaction to noise, developmental delay, neurological degeneration
Cherry-red spot on fundoscopic exam
Paralysis, blindness, dementia, die by age 4
How are thalassemias diagnosed?
CBC to look at Hgb and MCV (low)
When are chromosomal abnormalities diagnosed?
Fetal karyotype 11-14 weeks - nuchal translucency, PAPP-A and beta-hCG 2nd trimester (15-18 weeks)= quad screen
What is trisomy 21 also known as, and what are its characteristics?
Down Syndrome
Short stature, classic facies, developmental delay, mental retardation
Cardiac defects, duodenal atresia/stenosis, short limbs
Increased nuchal translucency, low AFP and estriol, high inhibin and b-hCG
What is trisomy 18?
Edward syndrome
lethal, die within 2 years of life
clenched fists, overlapping digits, rocker bottom feet
VSD, TOF, omphalocele, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, NTD
What is trisomy 13?
Patau syndrome
Holoporosencephaly, cleft lip and palate, cystic hygroma etc
What is Turners syndrome?
Phenotypically female, short stature, low set ears, wide-set nipples, primary amenorrhea
Cystic hygroma can be sen on US*
What are characteristics of klinefelters?
Small penis
infertility, gynecomastia
mental retardation
When do NTD arise?
Week 4 of development
What are NTDs due to?
Lack of folic acid
MTHFR mutations
What are US findings of spina bifida?
Lemon sign and banana sign (cerebellum)
What are lab tests associated with NTDs?
Elevated AFP
What is Potter syndrome?
Renal failure leading to anhydramnios ( can be caused by potter’s disease which is bilateral renal agenesis)
Causes pulmonary hypoplasia, deformation of hands and limbs
When is amniocentesis performed?
> 15 weeks
Needle transabdominally into uterus and amniotic sac
Can take 5-7 days to grow cells and perform FISH
When is CVS performed?
between 9-12 weeks
Placing cathether into uterus (transab or transvag) and aspirating chorionic villi from placenta
higher risk of complication than amnio
Faster results because more cells taken
What is percutaneous umbilical blood sampling?
phlebotomizing umbilical cord when fetal hct or platelet count needed in setting of Rh alloimmunization and fetal anemia
Can also be used to transfuse fetus