Prenatal development Flashcards
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic
What is development?
- Qualitative
- Sequential
- Cumulative
- Directional
- Individual
reguliere celdeling (23 chromosoom paren, gebeurt bij zowel kinderen als volwassenen)
Cheldeling van voortplantingscellen (eicel en spermacel)
Four developmental processes
Cell migration
Cell differentiation
Difrentieerbare cel, net uit de placenta
Cell net voor specialisatie, maar niet meer placenta
Gespecialiseerde cel
sense of pressure
10 weken
detection of movement
13 weken
detection of light
20 weken
Detection of sound
26 weken
Detection of smell and taste
26-28 weken
Head and spine movement
5-6 w.
Startle like movements
8-9 w., nursing
Limb movements
10 w.
head and breathing movements
10-11 w.
yawn, suck, swallow amnionic fluid
11-12 w.
non random movement
14 w.
movement with all parts of their face
20 w.
opening and closing eyes
25 w.
Function fetal movement: Swallowing
Oropharyngeal cavity (mond), lungs, digestive system
Function fetal movement: Body movements
Muscles, Bones, Joints and skin
A teratogen is something that can cause birth defects or abnormalities in a developing embryo or fetus upon exposure.
The emergence of new structures and functions in the course of development
reproductive cells, egg and sperm, contain half genetic material
fertilized egg
Embryonic stem cells
embryonic cells that can develop into any type of body cell
A class of hormones that include testosterone, leads to male genetalia
Identical (monozygotic) twins
twins, split half zygote, zelfde genen
Faternal (dizygotic) twins
twins, two eggs fertilized, half of genes each
Neural tube
a groove formed in the top layer of differentiated cells in the embryo that eventually becomes the brain and spinal coard
Amniotic sac
a transparent, fluid filled membrane that surrounds and protects the fetus
A support organ for the fetus, circulatory system between mother and child, semipermeable membrane –> exchange materials (zuurstof, nutriens, co2 en afval stoffen)
Umbilical cord
A tube containing the blood vessels connecting the fetus and placenta
Cephalocaudal development
Dingen rond het hoofd ontwikkelen eerder dan de rest
Phylogenetic continuity
Mensen delen bepaalde karakteristieken , gedrag en developmental processes with non-human animals, especially mammals
a simple form of learning that involves a decrease in response to repeated or continued stimulation
The introduction of a new stimulus rekindles interest following habitation to a repeated stimulus
sensitive period
the period of time during which a developing organism is most sensitive to the effects of external factors
dose-response relation
The greater the fetus exposure to a potential teratogen, the more likely the fetus will suffer damage
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
sudden, unexpected death of an infant less than 1 year old that has no identifiable cause.
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
the Harmful effects of maternal alcohol consumption on a developing fetus.
Maternal Factors
- Age
- Nutrition
- Disease
- Maternal emotional state
The squeezing that fetus experience during birth serves several important functions.
- Head reduces in size –> pass safely past pelvic bone
- Withstand oxygen deprivation and regulate breathing
- Pushing out amniotic fluid
Level of arousal and engagement in the environment, ranging from deep sleep to intens activity
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
active sleep state characterized by quick, jerky eye movements under closed lids and associated with dreaming adults
Non-rem sleep
a quiet or deep sleep state characterized by the absence of motor activity or eye movements and more regular, slow brain waves, breathing and heart rate.
Wrapping baby in cloths, soothing technique
Excessive, inconsolable crying by a young infant for no apparent reason
Apgar score
Method for evaluating the health of the newborn immediately following birth based on skin tone, pulse rate, facial response, arm and leg activity, and breathing
Developmental resilience
Successful development in spite of multiple and seemingly overwhelming developmental hazards