Perception Flashcards
the processing of basic information from the external world by the sensory receptors in the same organs (eyes, ears, skin, ect.) and brain
The progress of organizing and interpreting sensory information
Preferential looking technique
A methode of studying visual attention of the infants that involves showing two patterns or objects to them at a time to see if the infant have a preference for one over the other. (model =n automatic eye tracker
Visual acuity
The sharpness of visual discrimination (de mate waarin je op verschillende afstanden scherpte kunt zien)
Contrast sensitivity
The ability to detect differences in light and dark areas in a visual pattern
The light sensitive neurons that are highly concentrated in the fovea (kind 2% adults 65%, vanaf 8 maanden hetzelfde)
Restriction your infants
eerst geen verschil tussen wit en kleur
vanaf 2 maanden wel
Perceptual constancy
the object staying the same size, shape, color ect. ookal verandahs de locatie (deur die opent)
Object segregation
the identification of separate in visual array. Ass houdt meer van vorm –> minder sociaal, cognitieve en taal
Optical expension
A depth cue in which an object occludes increasingly more of the background, indicating that object is approaching
Binocular disparity
the difference between the retinal image of an object in each eye that result in two slightly different signals to the brain.
The process by which the visual cortex combines different neural signals caused by binocular disparity, to see depth
Monocular depth cues
diepte dat je met een oog can zien (bijvoorbeeld bij een 2D foto)
Auditory perception
fetuses kunnen genoeg horen om zelf te leren. Hoe ouder hoe beter ze kunnen horen. Eerste levensjaar kunnen ze al enorm veel horen.
Auditory localizatie
Ze leren waar geluid vandaan komt. baby’s vinden dit lastig, leren door ervaring en omdat beide oren te snel de impuls horen