Prenatal care Flashcards
Hemoglobin/Hematocrit is rechecked at ___ weeks AOG for anemia surveillance in pregnancy.
a. 18-22
b. 23-27
c. 28-32
d. 33-37
Adverse outcomes linked to smoking include the following, EXCEPT:
a. Abortion
b. Fetal macrosomia
c. Infant death
d. Placental abruption
Common concerns of pregnant women that do not have a serious sequelae, EXCEPT:
a. Excessive Vaginal discharge
b. Heartburn
c. Headache during the first trimester
d. Blurring of vision
Woman who had a previous abortion is a:
a. Nulligravida
b. Nullipara
c. Multigravida
d. Primipara
A 28-year old follows-up at the OPD for her prenatal check-up. Her last normal menstrual period was in July 31, 2013. Her family, medical and personal/social histories are unremarkable. Her eldest daughter was delivered term 2 years ago, followed by a miscarriage. Her first pregnancy was an ectopic. Based on her LMNP, she’s in her ___ trimester. (This exam was taken Feb 12, 2014)
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
A 28-year old follows-up at the OPD for her prenatal check-up. Her last normal menstrual period was in July 31, 2013. Her family, medical and personal/social histories are unremarkable. Her eldest daughter was delivered term 2 years ago, followed by a miscarriage. Her first pregnancy was an ectopic. Where can the uterine fundus be palpated?
a. Above the pubic symphysis
b. Midway between the pubic symphysis and umbilicus
c. At the umbilicus
d. Midway between the umbilicus and sternum
A 28-year old follows-up at the OPD for her prenatal check-up. Her last normal menstrual period was in July 31, 2013. Her family, medical and personal/social histories are unremarkable. Her eldest daughter was delivered term 2 years ago, followed by a miscarriage. Her first pregnancy was an ectopic. What is her OB score?
a. G3P1 (1011)
b. G4P2 (1111)
c. G4P1 (1021)
d. G3P1 (1101)
A 28-year old follows-up at the OPD for her prenatal check-up. Her last normal menstrual period was in July 31, 2013. Her family, medical and personal/social histories are unremarkable. Her eldest daughter was delivered term 2 years ago, followed by a miscarriage. Her first pregnancy was an ectopic. When is her expected date of delivery? (This exam was taken Feb 12)
a. May 7, 2014
b. April 24, 2014
c. May 31, 2014
d. April 21, 2014
A 28-year old follows-up at the OPD for her prenatal check-up. Her last normal menstrual period was in July 31, 2013. Her family, medical and personal/social histories are unremarkable. Her eldest daughter was delivered term 2 years ago, followed by a miscarriage. Her first pregnancy was an ectopic. Physical exam and laboratory findings of the patient are normal. She is advised to come back for her next prenatal visit on her __ weeks AOG.
a. 24
b. 29
c. 30
d. 32
A gravid woman with a singleton pregnancy and a pre-pregnant BMI of 27 should have a total weight gain (KG) of:
a. 12.5-18
b. 11.5-18
c. 7-11.5
d. <7
When can the fetal heart sounds first be appreciated in most women using a standard stethoscope?
a. 5 weeks AOG
b. 16-19 weeks AOG
c. 21 weeks AOG
d. 22-24 weeks AOG
Which of the following may be used to assess gestational age?
a. Quickening
b. Cervical Consistency
c. Maternal Weight Gain
d. Onset of Nausea and Vomiting
How should you advise a pregnant woman in terms of nutrition?
a. She should eat what she wants in amounts she desires and salted to taste.
b. If she has normal BMI, she should gain approximately 40-45 lbs
c. Low salt, low fat, sugar free diet is recommended
d. Vegetarians eat the most nutritious food deemed complete so they don’t need additional supplements
Which of the following vaccines is recommended to all pregnant women during the pregnancy?
a. Varicella
b. Rubella
c. Influenza
d. Hepatitis B
At 20 weeks AOG, uterine fundus should be palpated at
Usually, the earliest age at which the fetal skeleton is visible on x-ray is
a. 2 lunar months
b. 4 lunar months
c. 6 lunar months
d. 8 lunar months
The relation of the fetal parts to one another determines the:
a. Presentation of the fetus
b. Lie of the fetus
c. Attitude of the fetus
d. Position of the fetus
The relationship of the long axis of the fetus
to the long axis of the mother is call the ___.
a. Lie
b. Presentation
c. Position
d. Attitude
Of the following methods, which determine fetal presentations:
a. Cullen’s maneuver
b. Leopold’s maneuver
c. Mauriceau-Smellie-Velt maneuver
d. McDonald’s maneuver
Sonography is valuable is pregnancy except in
a. Diagnosing early preganancy
b. Determining pelvic adequacy
c. Identifying fetal anomalies
d. Localizing the placenta
At the 12th weeks of gestation the uterus in a normal pregnancy is:
a. Not palpable abdominally
b. Palpable just above the symphysis pubis
c. Palpable midway between the umbilicus and the sternum
d. Palpable at the level of the xiphoid
. Iron requirement during pregnancy
A. 200 mg
B. 300 mg
C. 500 mg
D. 1000 mg
Electrocardiographic changes in pregnancy which is due to altered heart position?
A. left axis deviation
B. notching of Q-wave
C. ST elevation
D. New-onset of Q waves
Which of the following is an abnormal finding in pregnant women?
A. exaggerated splitting of S1
B. loud diastolic murmur
C. loud S3
D. systolic murmur
A normal finding during pregnancy is?
A. proteinuria
B. glucosuria
C. hematuria
D. pyuria
Other recommended tests (at first visit):
A. ultrasound
B. urine culture
C. alphafetoprotein
D. Chlamydia culture
What is the patient’s expected date of delivery (EDD)? [LNMP: December 4, 2010]
A. Sept. 11, 2011
B. Sept. 14, 2011
C. May 11, 2011
D. May 14. 2011
At each prenatal visit, the following fetal parameters are clinically assessed, except:
A. fetal heartrate
B. fetal size
C. fetal breathing
D. fetal movement
Diagnostic at 24-28 weeks
A. oral glucose tolerance
B. rubella
C. syphilis
D. alpha fetoprotein
Multivitamin supplementation is needed in the following conditions except:
A. Smoking
B. Epileptic
C. Twin gestation
D. Vegetarian
Which of the following is correct?
A. Balanced diet supplies all the required minerals for the pregnant woman
B. during midpregnancy required iron for woman is 7 mg/day
C. iron is required preconceptionally until term
D. iron after a full meal
Fetal heartbeat can be heard at
A. stethoscope at 19 weeks
B. Doppler at 5 weeks
C. abdominal ultrasound at 5 weeks
D. transvaginal ultrasound at 4 weeks
The fetal movements can be appreciated by the examiner during
A. 15 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 10 weeks
D. 20 weeks
Today is Feb 16, 2011. A patient consults for amenorrhea. Her LNMP is Nov 25, 2010. Pregnancy test is positive. She is now on what week of pregnancy?
A. 9th week
B. 11 6/7 th week
C. 12 4/7 th week
D. 13th week
Today is Feb 16, 2011. A patient consults for amenorrhea. Her LNMP is Nov 25, 2010. Pregnancy test is positive.
Next prenatal check-up?
A. 3 days
B. 1 week
C. 2 weeks
D. 1 month
Mrs. Esguerra is a primigravid 8 weeks AOG. What is not included in the initial prenatal visit?
A. Determine maternal health status
B. Estimate AOG
C. Plan mode of delivery
D. Schedule following prenatal visits to continue obstetric care
Mrs. Rivera’s LNMP is November 30, 2011. What is her EDC?
A. Sept 6, 2012
B. Sept 7, 2012
C. August 23, 1012
D. August 20, 2012
Mrs Almenario is in her 13th week of pregnancy. What trimester is she in?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
What is not characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome?
A. Growth restriction
B. Facial abnormalities
C. Digital anomalies
D. CNS problems
Which of the ff puts a woman at a higher risk of pregnancy?
A. 30 years of age during delivery
B. History of 1st trimester abortion
C. Prior preterm delivery
D. Previous vaginal delivery
Which medical condition predisposes a woman to high risk pregnancy?
A. Childhool asthma
B. Seizures during childhool
C. Preterm delivery in previous pregnancy
D. UTI in previous pregnancy
What should be given to pregnant women to prevent neural tube defect?
A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Fluoride
D. Folic acid
What is the absolute contraindication of exercise in pregnancy?
A. Extreme morbid obesity
B. Chronic bronchitis
C. Incompetent cervix
D. Extremely underweight
True except..
A. Sexual intercourse is prohibited
B. Any occupation that entails physical strain
C. Pregnant women can travel up to 36 AOG
D. While riding in cars, the belt should be placed across the abdomen for better security
Mineral which requires supplementation:
A. Calcium
B. Potassium
C. Sodium
D. Magnesium
Staining of cells in the pap smear of a pregnant woman may be less than optimal due to:
a. prominence of basal cells
b. proliferation of cervical glands
c. copious amounts of cervical mucus
d. hypervascularity of the cervix
A 25 years old primigravid patient undergoes c-section for twin gestation of malpresented twins. On exploration, you noted that both ovaries have been converted into large thin walled multicystic masses measuring 8x6 cm. The best method to take is:
A. Remove both ovaries
B. Remove one ovary and send to frozen section
C. Aspirate to decompress
D. Leave alone
A 32 year old gravid consults at the outpatient clinic for her 4th pregnancy. Her first pregnancy was a spontaneous abortion. The 2nd was a live term pregnancy. Her 3rd child was born at 30 weeks age of gestation (AOG), but died after a month due to membrane disease. What’s her obstetric score?
A. G4P2 (1111)
B. G4P3 (1111)
C. G4P2 (1021)
D. G4P2 (2011)
A 26 year old primigravid is scheduled at the OPD for follow-up prenatal check up on Feb. 25, 2010. Her LNMP was last Sept. 17, 2009. What will be her AOG at the time of her next consult?
A. 21 3/7 weeks
B. 22 weeks
C. 22 2/7 weeks
D. 23 weeks
Recommended routine laboratory tests for the initial prenatal care visit include the following, EXCEPT:
A. CBC (complete blood count)
C. HbsAg
High-risk pregnancies include the following, EXCEPT:
A. History of early neonatal death in a previous pregnancy
B. Preeclampsia
C. History of cervical cancer in a cousin
D. Maternal undernutrition
Screening for gestational diabetes is best done at ______ weeks AOG.
A. 20
B. 24
C. 30
D. 32
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Women with uncomplicated pregnancies can work until the onset of labor
B. Prolonged standing at work does not increase risk of preterm delivery
C. High-risk pregnancies, such as preeclampsia, do not benefit from a sedentary lifestyle
D. A maternity leave of 4 weeks prior to delivery is recommended.
Which of the following vaccines may be given during pregnancy?
A. Influenza
B. Measles
C. Rubella
D. Varicella
The recommended total weight gain endorsed by the American College of Obstetritians andGynecologists for pregnant women with normal prepregnant body mass index (BMI) is
A. 15 lbs.
B. 15-25 lbs.
C. 25-35 lbs.
D. 28-40 lbs.
The following maternal parameters should always be assessed every pre-natal checkup, EXCEPT:
A. Blood pressure
B. Danger signs and symptoms
C. Vaginal examination
D. Weight
The most accurate method of determining the age of gestation (AOG) is by:
A. Calculating from the last normal menstrual period (LNMP)
B. Dating AOG based on the first detection of a positive pregnancy test
C. Correlating it with the patient’s fundic height and estimated fetal weight
D. Basing it on early ultrasound measurement of crown to rump length (CRL)
Folic acid intake is best started:
A. Prior to conception
B. During the first trimester
C. During the second trimester
D. During the third trimester
Gastric emptying time may be prolonged at which stage of pregnancy
A. 1st trimester
B. 2nd trimester
C. 3rd trimester
D. Labor
Date of Consult: 12 Feb 2013
LNMP: 8 Dec 2012
A. 7 weeks & 1 day
B. 8 weeks & 0 days
C. 9 weeks & 3 days
D. 10 weeks & 6 days
Parameters assessed at gestational age are the following except:
A. fundal height
B. thickening
C. ultrasound
D. cervical consistency
Choose the correct statement regarding vitamin and mineral supplementation for pregnancy:
A. A diet with adequate calories and proper weight gain will be enough to cover for all…
B. Mid-pregnancy iron requirements imposed by pregnancy and maternal excretion total approximately 7 mg/day
C. Iron supplement best taken after meal to lessen nauseous side effect
D. Iron supplement should be started during pre-conception to maximize benefits for both mother and fetus
During this maneuver, where will
the examiner feel numerous small,
irregular, mobile parts?
A. right side of the maternal abdomen
B. periumbilical area
C. above the symphysis pubis
D. right lower quadrant
What is the presentation of the fetus?
What is the lie of the fetus?
What Leopold’s maneuver is
Leopold’s 2
Where will you auscultate the fetal
heart tones?
A. right lower quadrant
B. left lower quadrant
C. right upper quadrant
D. left upper quadrant