Maternal Health Care System Flashcards
The state that best describes a health system
a. A health system is the sum total of all organizations to improve health
b. A health system comprised of services that are not responsive and financially fair to people
c. A health system has the purpose of improving well being
d. A health system does not need staff, funds, information, supplies, transport and communications
Maternal Health Care delivery system:
a. Care for father and children
b. Care for children
c. Care for nursing and expectant mothers
d. Care for grandmothers
Part of the Maternal Health Care system
a. Insurers, employers, providers, government, patients
b. Insurers, employers, providers, patients
c. Insurers, providers, government, patients
d. Employers, providers, government, patients
The providers include:
a. Physicians, pregnant women, government
b. Physicians, employers, midwives
c. Physicians, birth attendants, midwives
d. Physicians, pregnant women, midwives
This represents the risk associated with each pregnancy such as OB risk
a. Maternal mortality ratio
b. Infant mortality rate
c. Maternal death
This refers to the death of a woman while pregnant aggravated by pregnancy but not from accidental or incidental causes
a. Maternal death
b. Maternal mortality rate
c. Infant death
d. Maternal mortality ratio
Maternal death is considered when a woman dies within how many days of termination of pregnancy
a. 45
b. 42
c. 49
d. 46
The MDG target for maternal mortality ratio
a. 55 per 100,000 live births by 2016
b. 55 per 100,000 live births by 2015
c. 55 per 100,000 live births by 2014
d. 55 per 100,000 live births by 2017
The causes of maternal mortality in the Philippines include:
a. Complication of childbirth due to sepsis
b. Facility based deliveries
c. Presence of skilled birth attendant
Problems associated with increased maternal and child health morbidity are due to
A. High cost of care and services
B. Low accessibility of care and services
C. Low quality of care and services
D. All of the above
Equity of health care is in conflict with these concepts
A. Quality
B. Efficiency
C. Accessibility
D. All of the above
The most probably explanation for very poor maternal and child health indicator:
A. Paucity of primary health care
B. Deficiency in surgical expertise
C. Lack of high technology equipment
D. All of the above
The following can increase equity, access, and quality of maternal health system
A. Increase subsidy to community health center
B. Increase coverage by PHIC
C. Increase funding for prevention and health promotion
D. All of the above
Capital investment for maternal and child care development should come from A. Private sources B. Government funds C. Banks D. AOTA
Which of the following measures have been undertaken to minimize maternal mortality rate? A. Reform in health services B. Reform in the financial services C. Reform in the hospital services D. AOTA
Equity in maternal health services are based on the assumption that
A. Optimum sexual and reproductive health is a right of every woman
B. Equal priority to rich and poor
C. The services must be provided to people who can afford
Optimal utilization of maternal health service is the concept of:
a. Efficiency
b. Equity
c. Accesibility
Accessibility of maternal health care service will mean
a. Facility is in a place favorable to the provider
b. Providing maternal health service in a favorable place to the recipient
c. Developing of health service in urban areas because of dense population
Problems associated with increased maternal and child health morbidity are:
a. High cost of care and services
b. Low accessibility to these care and services
c. Poor quality of care
Not included in the WHO definition of Maternal Health Care System A. Monetary Source B. Transpo and Communication C. caregivers D. Patients